ODT Watch | Issue 04

ODT Watch | Issue 04

Baby Builders

Street sign

I think this is a sign for a good weekend (the ODT isn’t the only one capable of a great pun); if the doctors can’t save you after your night out, the Church will.

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Now babies can help with the DIY; it’s about time they pulled their weight around the house.

Street sign

When I won “go home, stay home” it never got put in the paper.

Street sign
This apparently “new finding” has us all reeling with shock – next they’ll be telling us it’s bad for pregnant women to drink alcohol!

Street sign

The funds are here, the drugs are provided, overdoses encouraged, all that’s missing is you! Volunteers apply at: otagodailytimes@hotmail.co.nz
This article first appeared in Issue 4, 2014.
Posted 2:59pm Sunday 16th March 2014 by Allison Hess.