ODT Watch | Issue 27
Posted 11:58pm Sunday 12th October 2014

Very perceptive, ODT. Examination period has truly begun. Yes, we suppose students could get their applications in earlier. Or the government could pull its head in and give Studylink the resourcing it needs. Not that we don’t like listening to an entire Brooke Fraser album while Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 26
Posted 1:49pm Sunday 5th October 2014

Battle of the sheep took place right under our noses, with “Big Ben” taking the win. Old time favourite Shrek had his unofficial world record for heaviest fleece nabbed by Big Ben’s 28kg wool load. ODT reports that there were no hard feelings between the two. Maybe because Shrek the sheep has Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 25
Posted 2:58pm Sunday 28th September 2014

A young woman has been awarded a literary award for tweeting. What a sad time we are in, when tweeting is being acknowledged as literature. It won’t be long until they start awarding the best YouTube comments. Even this woman stopped her limo on the way to get married to make her vote Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 24
Posted 3:00pm Sunday 21st September 2014

Nearly 10,000 people aged between 18 and 34 in Dunedin are not enrolled to vote. Was the cover of last week’s Critic not clear enough? This is one way to raise money for a new children’s playground: lure people to an old derelict hospital, bring it to life as a creepy asylum, and Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 23
Posted 4:38pm Sunday 14th September 2014

Walking hand in hand on the beach, staring into each other’s eyes across a romantic dinner, going upstairs to consummate the marriage yet again ... all normal activities for a honeymoon. Drunk driving to pick up your sloshed bride after a night in the cells? Not so much. The police Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 22
Posted 11:52pm Sunday 7th September 2014

Hoho! This headline is perhaps a little crude but nonetheless not a bad pun coming from ODT (for once). A couple of would-be thieves failed to getaway after raiding a jewellery store; why, you might ask? One had a broken leg and the other a prosthetic leg – not exactly ideal conditions to be in Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 21
Posted 5:55pm Sunday 31st August 2014

Why has this never happened to Dan Carter?! “Error” of epic proportions: TVNZ aired a raunchy condom advertisement during a TV movie about New Zealand’s most high profile rape trials. Sometimes unfortunately placed advertisements can be hilarious … not so much in this case. Anything Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 20
Posted 12:53am Monday 18th August 2014

Seriously? It appears the ODT has got reoccurring beef with Kim’s large frame. Only 30 minutes? That definitely doesn’t give enough time to fully convey the complex procedure that is hand-washing. On first glance, we wondered how someone could look so happy when holding a Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 19
Posted 9:16pm Sunday 10th August 2014

Woo! it’s about time they provided some choice on Andersons Bay road in South D. A new Wendy’s is opening for times when you don’t feel like McDonalds. Or Burger King. Or Subway. Or KFC. Or Hell Pizza. Fatty Lane, you have a serious rival. See, ODT, you can come up with Read more...
ODT Watch | Issue 18
Posted 9:43pm Sunday 3rd August 2014

This article begs the question: WHY, ODT, WHY!? Taking pointless and ridiculous reporting to a new level, the article describes how an intoxicated Irish woman broke into an apartment, where she then locked herself in a cupboard and proceeded to urinate throughout. Adding insult to Read more...

Allison Hess