Battle of the sheep took place right under our noses, with “Big Ben” taking the win. Old time favourite Shrek had his unofficial world record for heaviest fleece nabbed by Big Ben’s 28kg wool load. ODT reports that there were no hard feelings between the two. Maybe because Shrek the sheep has been dead for three years, not to mention that sheep don’t exactly have the emotional capacity to feel “hard feelings.”

After a baby was kidnapped in Auckland hospital last week, the Dunedin hospital has considered improving security. However, it concluded that security was tight enough.

… In other words: without shirts, the Army wasn’t that well kitted out, were they?

Some poor plumber finally got snapped for exposing too much crack on the job.

If this isn’t an overestimation of photo-shopping ability, we don’t know what is. In the past we have ribbed on the ODT’s photo editing skills and it appears they haven’t been reading: this recent attempt leaves the viewer especially perturbed. Poor Irene van Dyk.