Students Pressure Unis for Stance on Palestine

Students for Justice in Palestine across the motu are continuing to pressure their universities to take political stances on the war on Palestine. Universities continue to defend their positions of “institutional neutrality” – a position students might have been willing to accept before Massive (Massey’s student mag) broke the news of Massey Uni’s financial links to Israel on June 20th. Critic Te Ārohi spoke...

Closed Caption Lectures (Hopefully) A Step Closer

In a win for accessibility and people who swear they can’t hear without subtitles, closed-captions in lectures appear to be getting closer to reality for Otago tauira. Last week, all students were emailed a link for surveys inviting them to give feedback on a policy proposed by the OUSA Exec that would mandate lecture recordings.  OUSA Exec members Tara, Ibuki, and Stella L have been working all year to see the policy get over the...

Pride and Pōhara: Māori cuisine or glorified struggle meals?

Let’s cut the crap. Aotearoa New Zealand loves to brag about ‘authentic’ Māori cuisine like hāngī, boil-up, fried bread, and steamed pudding. But the uncomfortable truth is: these aren’t traditional, authentic Māori dishes. They’re struggle meals that emerged during the colonial era, when Europeans pushed Māori into poverty, compelling us to innovate and adapt to survive.   The...

Exec Member’s Ghosting Prompts By-Election

A by-election for the Finance and Strategy Officer role on the OUSA Student Exec has been called. Abby Clayton, who occupied the role last semester, bowed out of her Exec position last Monday, July 15th. Her formal resignation followed a month of radio silence, with repeated attempts to reach the Exec member failing – essentially ghosting the association.  At an emergency Exec meeting last Monday, OUSA President Keegan Wells told...

10 Ways to Keep Warm this Winter

The Winter Breatha’s version of a dick-measuring contest is trading war stories of how much the cold weather has fucked us over. But like your dad likes to remind you when showing any discomfort (AKA sign of weakness), “Don’t give me problems, give me answers.” Your mates are sick of hearing about your chilblain-riddled fingers, or how pale you’ve become – purple in extreme cases. Critic Te Ārohi has...

Free Brekky Attracts Porridge Pinchers

Rumours of a porridge thief swept the free brekky community last week after successive mornings saw the porridge stock depleted quicker than you can say “oatmeal.” Breakfast runs from the...

Capping Show Claims Edinburgh Ripped Off ‘Beezie’ Theme

A recent Edinburgh Realty ad campaign has raised eyebrows after students noticed it looked somewhat similar to the Capping...


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