Castle St Courtyard Set to Split
‘Courtyard’, the infamous intersection of breathadom between three Castle St flats, will allegedly soon be split with a fence. Breathas and sheathas alike are biting their nails at the impact the change may have on their beloved stomping ground for all manner of occasions: parties and sun beers included. Do landlords even get the point of Castle St? Rumours are flying at the supposed “gentrification” of Studentville....40% of Current Exec Plan To Rerun for 2025
Nominations were open last week for the 2025 OUSA Student Exec. Critic Te Ārohi can reveal that four out of ten of the current OUSA Student Exec (40% for you maths nerds out there) are planning on sticking around next year – either rerunning for their own positions or branching into other roles. Who, you ask? That’s for us to know, and you to find out. 40% is a big jump from the mere 10% in the last elections, one that saw...Te Huinga Tauira, Debriefed
Te Rōpū Māori sent a delegation of tauira to Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland in the last week of August – not only to escape the Dunedin winter, but also for Te Huinga Tauira, the annual national Māori students’ conference. Māori tertiary students’ associations across the motu gathered for a week of yarns, culture, and sporting activities. Te Huinga Tauira welcomes Māori student associations...Unexpected UniFlats Maintenance Visits “An Accident Waiting to Happen”
UniFlats residents caught off-guard by unanticipated visits from staff and maintenance crew have been left feeling “a bit weird”, to say the least. One Clyde Street resident told Critic Te Ārohi that she was suffering from a severe bout of food poisoning when maintenance staff entered her flat unexpectedly. “I was throwing up at 7am and I just heard a bunch of men downstairs, rustling around,” she said. Over the past...Stumbled Down the Rabbit Hole
Tūhura Otago Museum hosted Alice in Wonderland after dark on Friday, September 13th, a fun (18+) event based on the Lewis Carroll book and that one Tim Burton film everyone chooses to ignore. Sporting free tickets and a craving for cotton candy, Critic Te...
Toast Time Introduced At Subs
Dunedin's iconic nightclub, Suburbia (Subs if you’re a real one), has introduced a new initiative aimed at keeping patrons' puku’s full and vomit off the floors. Taking a leaf out of residential colleges’ book, Subs has launched...
Crestani Parents Object to DropKicks
The opening of new venue DropKicks has been a sticky subject after two community groups opposed Loboski Venues Ltd.’s liquor licence application. Students for Sensible Drug Policy (SSDP) are...
- Unexpected UniFlats Maintenance Visits “An Accident Waiting to Happen”
- Te Huinga Tauira, Debriefed
- Toast Time Introduced At Subs
- Stumbled Down the Rabbit Hole
- 40% of Current Exec Plan To Rerun for 2025
- Castle St Courtyard Set to Split
- Crestani Parents Object to DropKicks
- Study: Drinking While Pinging Can Spoil Your High
- Immersive Moriori Exhibition Opening at Tūhura
- DCC Revises Proposed Harbour Terrace Parking Changes