Daddy Grant’s Home!

Daddy Grant’s Home!

He is the opposite of an absent father

Grant Robertson was spotted on campus recently, spending a week acquainting himself with the University and the people within. A select few were lucky enough to meet the soon-to-be-VC for a lunch date, telling Critic Te Ārohi they felt privileged to be fit into a schedule that was allegedly booked down to the minute.

Students excitedly spotted Robertson getting into his cocktails at Woof!. Staff writer Angus felt the brunt of his power after breaking the fourth wall in an attempt to engage in conversation. Angus was promptly “ghosted”, with Roberston turning his back to the wide-eyed breatha. The crestfallen boy said, “I just wanted to get a pic with him because we were both drinking hazy […] It was just kinda awkward.” RIP Angus.

Other than this interaction, other students thought that Robertson was incredibly approachable. OUSA Exec members Emily and Stella (the academic one) said that their lunch meeting with Robertson, held at the illustrious Uni Staff Club, was “really exciting” because they were meeting someone who “knows how to make things happen,” according to Stella. The Exec even managed to snag a couple of pics.

Robertson reflected on his time as a uni student where supposedly “his fridge was warmer than his flat”. A timeless tradition. Critic was told that conversations centred around Robertson’s goals of “making people proud to say that they graduated from the University of Otago” and to make the University Te Tiriti-led.

Robertson also commented on the Bowling Club in Caversham and hinted at the idea of North D getting its very own dinner style $4 lunches. He reportedly mentioned that, with the cost of living on every student's mind, it would be a good way of shovelling in cheap food. 

Stella commented that she hopes Robertson will be “more student-facing” because the “senior leadership team needs humanising.” Stella also suggested the only thing we know about them is they can send a fuck load of emails – a classic Academic Rep comment. 

More Otago students will have a chance to spot Robertson around campus when he officially starts his role on July 1st.

This article first appeared in Issue 8, 2024.
Posted 5:22pm Sunday 21st April 2024 by Molly Smith-Soppet.