ODT Watch | Issue 11

ODT Watch | Issue 11

Awkwardness abounds

C ritic had only one issue of the odt to work with this week. for some reason, our supply of papers has dried up somewhat in recent days. Perhaps the result of some kind of toilet paper shortage resulting in the emergency redirection of bundles of Dunedin’s second-favourite rag, Critic expects the situation to be resolved swiftly and for things to return to normal as soon as possible.

Anyway. This week in the ODT, fascinating and skilled journalism is revealed:


A description of a politician ruining a couple’s romantic dinner follows. How unusual.

The ODT clearly doesn’t know what year it is:



Clyde is probably going to need much more than a brochure to convince people to visit.


Another article of significant content, gumboot sales, gives a stellar pun.
This article first appeared in Issue 11, 2013.
Posted 2:26pm Sunday 12th May 2013 by Jamie Breen and Staff Reporter.