The New OUSA Sunglasses Have Bottle Openers Built Into Them and it’s the Coolest Shit Ever
Posted 2:09pm Monday 19th February 2018 by Joel MacManus

OK, everyone stop because this is super important. OUSA is giving away free sunglasses at Tent City and they’ve got bottle openers built into the arms! That’s fucking sick. They're not actually that good at opening bottles because it's made of plastic rather than metal, but Read more...
Shoot Me
Posted 12:33pm Sunday 8th October 2017 by Waveney Russ

Give Lync Aronson a medium to advertise his cause and he will. A library bookcase, an unfortunately timed fire drill, an instant camera sitting on the bank of the Leith; he’ll sniff out advertising opportunities before you’ve even noticed that free food Friday poster taped to a tree. The Read more...
Ai Weiwei: Rarely Apologetic
Posted 11:23am Saturday 30th September 2017 by Waveney Russ

Ai Weiwei has been arrested, surveyed, interrogated, abused and exiled by the Communist Party of China (CPC). His contributions to the political-artistic discussion dominated the 2017 global art scene. The son of a denounced Chinese poet, political retribution has been part of Weiwei’s life Read more...
INK at Railway St Studios, Auckland
Posted 1:19pm Sunday 24th September 2017 by Peter Dornauf

The art world, though it would deny it, has its own set of well-established hierarchies. It needs to look down on something and that something is print works, which is ironic given that Pop Art, one of the major revolutions in the history of art, employed printing techniques. Both Warhol and Read more...
Generation Housing NZ
Posted 1:22pm Sunday 17th September 2017 by Cora-Allan Wickliffe

In 2016 Daniel and I moved back to New Zealand to have our son. We moved into my childhood home with my parents, who live in a state house in an area which has increasingly become less comfortable. I remember the big move when I was 3 years old. My parents knew the neighbours who bought the house Read more...
Miranda Parkes: The Merrier
Posted 12:43pm Sunday 10th September 2017 by Waveney Russ

Photo credit: Miranda Parkes: the merrier’ installation view featuring antibody banner; push me; (all 2017) courtesy Hocken Collections, Uare Taoka o Hākena. Photo: Iain Frengley. The Frances Hodgkins Fellowship comes around once a year, and when it does, Christmas comes Read more...
Dunedin’s Coffee Cup Art Trail
Posted 12:37pm Sunday 20th August 2017 by Waveney Russ

Latte art is dead. Do you think I ask to be presented with a sweet cat whose face I must suck into inexistence if I want to enjoy the five-dollar stimulant that, at this point, I chug back as if medication? Ephemeral. Transient. In an effort to clog my life with anything mildly resembling artwork Read more...
Shin Hanga (新版画)
Posted 12:12pm Sunday 13th August 2017 by Waveney Russ

Early 20th century Japan is a total cultural divergence from a tiny South Island town like ours, but the McDowell gallery has been authentically transformed into a perfect haven for the impressionistic prints of a pre-war age gone by. Shin-hanga (literally meaning “new woodcut Read more...
Art Week Cover Competition
Posted 2:23pm Sunday 30th July 2017 by Critic

Art Week is approaching and to celebrate, Critic wants artists to send us your artwork. We will choose a piece to go on the cover of Critic for the week, plus you get prizes! The magazine prints at 300ppi so please send high-resolution images. If your work is digital you need to send it at Read more...
‘Extrait d’Image’ – Lisa Reihana
Posted 1:09pm Sunday 30th July 2017 by Waveney Russ

‘Les Sauvages de la Mer Pacifique’ by Joseph Dufour is wallpaper. Spectacular, exceptionally rare, two-hundred-year-old wallpaper. Flagged as ‘armchair tourism’, the wallpaper depicts the over twenty different indigenous groups that Captain James Cook or Louis Antoine de Read more...