2016 Otago wildlife photography exhibition

2016 Otago wildlife photography exhibition

Otago Museum | 9 June-16 October | Free Entry

This exhibition showcases the talented work of the winners of the Otago Wildlife Photography competition and a selection of other incredible amateur Otago photographers. Divided into two age categories, 14-and-under and 15-and-over, this showcase gives insight into the phenomenal skills of Otago youth. Just a warning here, it may make you feel a little inadequate by comparison. 

The exhibition opens with the animal section; quite sensibly too as nothing can draw you in quite like cute, wide-eyed creatures. This cunning curator, however, also hid the not-so-pleasant, if-one-was-in-a-doorway-I-would-rather-climb-out-a-window, and definitely-probably-trying-to-kill-me spiders around the first corner, providing me with quite a fright and I can only hope I wasn’t the only one caught out by this trickery. In spite of the creepy crawly feeling that those particular images left me with I was awe struck by the amazing level of talent displayed on the walls. The photography was crisp and the action captured in such an undisturbed manner that I had to wonder if these animals were posing like the models they were.

Next it was on to Environmental Impact, which offered quite a juxtaposition with the somber subject matter while still remaining vibrantly shot. I wouldn’t say this part of the exhibition was a disappointment, largely because one of the sassiest looking ducks from Queenstown makes its mark here, but it certainly appeared to be the weakest link.

Now let’s talk about the plants. To be completely honest I wasn’t expecting much from this part of the exhibition, plants are great but they don’t exactly have the personality of animals. I am sure you can see where this is going but I have had to humbly swallow my words on this matter. The beauty of these photographs honestly needs to be seen to be believed. Seriously, even the funny looking ball of fuzz that is kiwifruit managed to photograph well.

I waited far longer than I should have to see this exhibition and I urge you not to make the same mistake. The stunning works on show can definitely offer a spark of happiness and a touch of humor in the midst of this bitter winter, and don’t say I didn’t warn you about the spiders!

Note: Critic would like to send our deepest sympathy to the friends and family of Riley Baker, the winner of this competition, who passed away last weekend. 

This article first appeared in Issue 20, 2016.
Posted 12:38pm Sunday 21st August 2016 by Olivia Lynch.