ODT Watch | Issue 06

ODT Watch | Issue 06

ODT Crucifies Journalistic Standards for Easter

The ODT sought to get right amongst the spirit of the holidays, reporting on key Easter issues such as the number of New Zealanders who claimed rabbit, egg, and hot cross bun-related injuries last year.


Apparently (incorrectly) assuming their average reader has an intelligence level above that of the average hot cross bun victim, the front page on 1 April depicted the “world-first pest eradication program” of trained hawks picking off feral cats.


Needless to say this provoked three responses: hysteria, smugness (for those wily old folk who got the “joke”) and those who apparently subscribe to the Gareth Morgan school of thought and wanted to know why the plan hadn’t been put into place earlier.

It has also been an exciting week for the previously little-known ODT work car, which evidently gets out a lot more than any other ODT employee.


And a handy hint for those of you who can’t hold off until you’re safely home: claiming that pissing in a drive-through is “normal back home” should see you away from any public urination charge.


Critic suspect this excuse is particularly valid if “back home” is (insert whatever city you feel needs insulting).
This article first appeared in Issue 6, 2013.
Posted 4:40pm Sunday 7th April 2013 by Jess Cole.