The Tory Templar

The nanny is back and she’s letting her nanny-state culture bleed into every sector of our lives. The University’s recent actions have shown that in loco parentis, the Uni’s right to act in place of your parents, is making a comeback.

The idea that the University should be allowed to dictate how young people live their lives is outlandish. It has no right to act as a surrogate for the family structure. Whilst considering the legitimacy of one Latin term, in loco parentis, let’s remember another Roman doctrine, patria potestas, or a father’s right to raise his children as he sees fit. Ever since this doctrine first appeared, the priority of the family has been cemented. The Templar is stupefied as to why this institution sees itself as a parent-like body. The job of a university is to educate, it’s what we pay for and what we expect. The job of a university is not to supplant the role of parent. No matter to what extent the government and its institutions attempt to run our lives, they will never, and should never be able to overtake the family as the core unit of society.

By acting in loco parentis the University fosters acceptance of authority, a herd mentality and, ultimately, dependency. It may claim it is preparing its students to become contributing members of society, but by taking away their freedoms they act like the opposite is true. The Templar finds himself concerned that the bright-minded inhabitants of this campus should be made to adhere to the rules of the big stick-wielding institution.

The recent move taken by the University to curb the lifestyles of students has gone so far as to destroy valued traditions at at one of our oldest colleges, Knox. The Templar is most concerned, that long-standing traditions that in no way undermine the social structure of this city, are being targeted, as part of the vendetta that the University and others have against student life. Such actions point to a desire to punish rather than do any good! Destroying such traditions will inevitably lead to more problems.

Take it from me, leave the parenting to the parents and keep your hands off the traditions. Unless of course laws are broken, in which case you have The Templar’s blessing to throw the full weight of the law at the perpetrators. Just don’t go butting in when no wrong has been committed.
This article first appeared in Issue 1, 2012.
Posted 3:28pm Friday 24th February 2012 by The Tory Templar.