ChatGOTH: The Flatmate
Posted 6:57pm Sunday 5th May 2024 by ChatGOTH

Hey ChatGoth, Long time listener, first time caller here. I have a bit of a problem with a flatmate who brings things home from adventures, whilst some of these things are rather amusing, others are more outright strange. One of these things is logs, just cut up bits of tree. He hasn't Read more...
Dunedin Dating Red Flags:
Posted 4:54pm Sunday 6th March 2022 by Annabelle Vaughan

The start of every semester is always the start of a new beginning. New papers, new friends, new flats and new parties. It is also always the beginning of new romances. Perhaps you have a cute neighbour in your hall, or there’s someone you’ve got your eye on in a lecture (or Zoom call). Read more...
I Tried Retro Cosmopolitan Sex Tips So You Don’t Have To
Posted 5:31pm Sunday 25th July 2021 by Annabelle Vaughan

If there is one thing that all students can universally agree on, it’s that sex is one of life’s greatest pleasures and priorities. Sex can be fun and exciting, or icky and underwhelming. One source of information which has always offered a wide range of sex advice is the sex tips column Read more...
Moaningful Confessions | Derry Dick
Posted 6:05pm Sunday 25th July 2021 by Critic

It was a typical evening on Grindr. Not much was happening. I was being sent a few unsolicited dick pics y'know, just the standard scrolling and sending boring messages. My ex had broken up with me recently, so at this stage of my life I was near rock bottom. I started talking to a Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 8:27pm Sunday 2nd May 2021 by Critic

Dear Critic, I just hope he reads this. To the boy I slept with at Hyde: I have Chlamydia. I’m sorry. You had brown hair, a fade, and were wearing a vest and button-up combo as part of your Peaky Blinders fit. You were drinking Major Major. I think your name was James? I’m not sure. Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 1:50am Monday 19th April 2021 by Critic

Dear Critic, There’s a wasp nest in front of our flat. Every time I walk out, I’m terrified that I’m gonna get stung. Our landlord said we could just call some ecology students and they’d pull it out, but I highly doubt that. What do we do? Shawn Gidday Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 2:00pm Sunday 21st March 2021 by Critic

Dear Critic, My friend had a bad experience with weed on her first or second go and now won’t try it again. Our friend group is always smoking and I want to include her but she refuses to try again. But her bad experience was like three years ago so surely she can give it another Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 2:28pm Sunday 14th March 2021 by Critic

Dear Critic, I think my boyfriend and his flatmate are sleeping together. Every time I ask him about it, he says they’re “just friends” but one time, I saw her coming out of his room during a party at theirs. Help? Thanks, Am I Being Crazy Hi Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 1:20pm Sunday 7th March 2021 by Critic

My problem? Broken banjo string. Seriously. Thanks, Patrick Hi Patrick. I’ve never played an instrument, but I think you can buy replacement strings in town at Music Planet. I’m not sure they carry banjo equipment though. Maybe don’t strum so hard next Read more...
Dear Critic...
Posted 12:42am Wednesday 3rd March 2021 by Critic

Dear Critic, Here’s one for you. I’m having girl problems. I was trying to get with one of my flatmates last year, but she’s since come out as gay. All good, power to her, but things have gotten complicated this year. On Wednesday, she brought home a girl that I had been Read more...

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