TERF Counter-Protest Mostly Wholesome, Despite Assaults
Posted 2:29pm Sunday 26th September 2021 by Asia Martusia King

A “Suffrage Day celebration”, hosted by self-proclaimed gender-critical feminists in the Octagon last Sunday was counterprotested by a transgender-positive Jump Jam pizza party. The counterprotest was described as “wholesome” by attendees, and no arrests were made. Read more...
Uni Loo Rolls Linked To Deforestation, Human Rights Abuses
Posted 1:50pm Sunday 5th September 2021 by Denzel Chung

Otago Uni is buying toilet paper from a company linked to deforestation and human rights abuses, particularly in Indonesia. This company has been blacklisted by tens of environmental groups worldwide, including Greenpeace and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Your flat will probably have a few Read more...
Young Nats At Odds With Old Nats Over Conversion Therapy
Posted 12:59am Monday 9th August 2021 by Alex Leckie-Zaharic

Thursday 5 August was a historic day for the LGBTQ+ community in New Zealand. The Conversion Practices Prohibition Legislation Bill was up for its first reading in Parliament, a big step towards outlawing the horrific practice forever in our country. But despite calls from their youth wing to Read more...
Trans Rights Picnic Dwarfs TERF Meeting
Posted 3:12pm Sunday 1st August 2021 by Erin Gourley

The trans rights festival in protest of the Speak Up For Women (SUFW) meeting at the Dunedin Town Hall ended up dwarfing the original event, with around 350 attendees outside the Town Hall on Saturday 24 July. The Ōtepoti Festival for Trans Rights and Liberation, organised by Environmental Read more...
Edgar shits on rights abuse claims
Posted 4:26pm Sunday 25th March 2012 by Charlotte Greenfield

OUSA President Logan Edgar appeared in two hard-hitting interviews last week. The first took place on Breakfast on Tuesday March 20. Veteran journalist Corin Dann challenged Edgar on OUSA’s current student enrolment procedures, which allow the student association to skim cheekily above legal Read more...
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human rights