SHOCKER: Study Finds “Students Shivering inside Cold, Damp Homes”
Posted 1:38am Saturday 9th April 2022 by Zak Rudin
A recent study conducted by Otago Uni has found that many students live in miserably cold, damp and mouldy homes. Most students also don’t know that StudyLink can help with massive power bills. The nationwide study, led by Dr. Kimberley O’Sullivan, was conducted by He Read more...
The Great Exec Quarterly Report Round Up
Posted 5:59pm Friday 1st April 2022 by Keegan Wells, Denzel Chung, Zak Rudin and Fox Meyer
Thrice a year, the OUSA exec team submit reports on what they’ve been up to. We’ve summarised those here for your convenience. President: Melissa Lama Melissa has been absolutely killing it. She’s done 44 interviews with various media outlets and attended to her Read more...
Dunedin Housing and Flat-tening the Curve: Why Omicron Loves your Home
Posted 12:49pm Sunday 13th March 2022 by Fox Meyer
We all know that Dunedin student housing is not exactly the best. So what happens when you introduce a highly transmissible virus to a population that lives in cold, damp flats? Critic wanted to know how our unique housing situation would affect the spread of Omicron in our community, so we reached Read more...
Goops, I did it again! An idiot’s guide to stain removal
Posted 3:32pm Sunday 27th February 2022 by Lotto Ramsay
Happiness is fleeting, we all die, and nothing is truly permanent. Nothing, that is, except for stains that you don’t get out in time (fuck you especially, red wine). O week is full of shenanigans that can ruin your clothes, soft furnishings, and possibly your future. Luckily, Critic is no Read more...
Becoming the Alpha Flatmate
Posted 3:52pm Sunday 27th February 2022 by Sophie Hursthouse
There’s always an Alpha Flatmate. From the get go, it’s always about them, their schedule and their drama while the rest of the flat is demoted to peasantry. Never mind the fact that being the Alpha Flatmate is a sure sign of a manipulative, sadistic, and egomaniacal personality. Anyway, Read more...
A Slam Poem Curated from Your Studentville Wifi Names
Posted 12:11am Saturday 2nd October 2021 by Asia Martusia King
Hey there. Nice Cock. You looking for a New Flat with cheap rent? Head down to LoserVille: location, Gang land. Somewhere in the Alley on DundASS street, we have all the Beer Necessities you need. You want entertainment? We got you. Fuck Gamers Read more...
Initiation Spills Onto Street
Posted 2:36pm Sunday 26th September 2021 by Fox Meyer
An initiation at the Leith Street complex turned into a pitifully-sized brawl during the sunset hours of Thursday 23 September. People abandoned their balcony and rooftop seats when the fights broke up, and spilled out into the streets when the music stopped. Three highschoolers watched the Read more...
Booze Reviews | White Wine
Posted 3:47pm Sunday 5th September 2021 by Chug Norris
Now of course, white wine is a pretty broad category. But there’s a reason I’m not distinguishing sauvignon wanc and presling. There is simply no way I am going to review every slight fucking variation of white wine especially considering that there are hundreds of wineries for each Read more...
The Politics of Flat Mugs
Posted 3:30pm Sunday 5th September 2021 by Keegan Wells
Unless you’re a soulless robot, you have a favourite mug. So do all your flatmates, and they are different mugs. The politics of flat mugs are an underlying, unspoken rule amongst flatties in Dunedin. Conflict begins to brew when someone steals another person’s mug, or said cup is Read more...
Is Noise Control Out of Control?
Posted 3:08pm Sunday 22nd August 2021 by Sean Gourley
Picture this: you’re in your third year of uni. It’s the end of February and you’re fizzing for a year of 21sts, grad celebrations and general piss ups. You move into your new flat on George Street, with an outdoor area perfectly suited for gigs. For pres on your first night you Read more...
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