Castle Capitalism
Posted 10:24pm Friday 26th April 2024 by Angus Rees

It’s no secret that university students are short on money. Between tuition fees, the rising cost of living, and an academic workload that makes part-time work sparse, students are under a lot of financial pressure. But thanks to social media and consumer culture, a new 21st century job has Read more...
Long Live the King
Posted 4:17pm Monday 19th February 2024 by Fox Meyer

According to over 150 Critic readers, these are the definitive King’s Cup rules for Otago students: 2: You, with 93.6%. Nominate a drink. 3: Me, with 93.6%. You must drink. 4: Whores, with 61.8%. People identifying as female must Read more...
Hangover Cures
Posted 2:16am Saturday 9th July 2022 by Critic

Over the break, some of our reporters decided to try a variety of purported hangover cures. Raw eggs, long runs, and black coffee: it’s all in here. What worked and what didn’t? We put our livers on the line to get to the truth. Black Coffee, Nicotine and a Cold Shower A Read more...
Overworked, Under Pressure:
Posted 6:23pm Sunday 29th May 2022 by Fox Meyer

Dunedin’s emergency services are like the roofs of Dunedin flats: they’re not built to support everyone at once. Already short-staffed, overworked, and overwhelmed by the pressures of Covid, emergency responders and campus caretakers are buckling under the pressure of student Read more...
Certified Freak, Seven Days a Week:
Posted 6:50pm Sunday 29th May 2022 by Annabelle Vaughan

Being a student is great for many reasons, one of which is that every day of the week is an excuse to party. After extensive research (a few years of study), Critic Te Arohi has compiled an official ranking of the best nights of the week to go out. Grasp your fleeting youth with both hands, and make Read more...
Covid Rule Changes: What do they mean for Students?
Posted 5:07pm Sunday 27th March 2022 by Annabelle Vaughan

Big changes were made to the Covid-19 rules last Wednesday, from the end of QR codes and vaccine passes to outdoor gathering limits being waved goodbye as soon as this week. But how will this affect students? Critic Te Arohi decided to dive into the new rules to find out. At a press Read more...
Booze Reviews | Carlsberg Elephant Extra Strong
Posted 1:33pm Sunday 13th March 2022 by Chug Norris

Picture this: your fuck-up of a flatmate got Covid so now you have to isolate with two people you can barely stand for at least 10 days with no chance of distraction or escape. What do you do? How do you get along with flatmates that you hate? The answer, I found, was to drink 10.5% Elephant Read more...
Weird and wonderful ideas for when you’re stuck on your next hosting sesh
Posted 4:57pm Sunday 6th March 2022 by Ruby Werry

Throwing parties is hard. It requires lots of planning, and induces plenty of anxiety. You find yourself thinking: Will people come? Will they have fun? Will people think my idea is cool and original? Or will it be boring and will I be socially outcast forever? Never fear, Critic is here! Read more...
You Gotta Cheat It to Win It: Is trivial cheating slowly killing pub quizzes?
Posted 12:06am Saturday 2nd October 2021 by Sean Gourley

Pub quizzes are one of the more wholesome sides of student drinking culture. With pubs back open in Level 2, there’s nothing like testing your knowledge and your friendships by battling other teams for a bar tab or some Speights tees. However, in recent years cheating has reportedly become Read more...
EDITORIAL: Pour one out for Catherine Mills, “habitual drunkard” and original owner of Starters
Posted 1:32pm Monday 20th September 2021 by Erin Gourley

We’re all mourning the death of Starters. No more afternoon pints in the courtyard, no more underrated cheeseburgers in the dingy light, no more ordering too many beer towers, no more being grossed out by the bathrooms that never quite stopped smelling of vomit. But the bar wasn’t only a Read more...

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