Allegations of “Hostile, Toxic Bullying” Haunt Unsuccessful NZUSA President Election
Posted 2:27pm Monday 14th December 2020

The position of 2021 President of NZUSA remains vacant after a reportedly “hostile” election full of “bullying” and “politicking” resulted in a stalemate between ITP (Intitute of Technology and Polytechnics) candidate, Andrew Lessells, and university Read more...
OUSA Sends Letter Following Associate Membership Rejection
Posted 2:11pm Thursday 29th October 2020

OUSA has circulated a letter to NZUSA’s National Executive following their rejected application for associate membership status. They want NZUSA to improve it’s application process and include a means to appeal decisions made at the National Executive. The OUSA Exec applied for Read more...
Fire and Circus Club Disaffiliated After Investigation
Posted 12:19pm Thursday 29th October 2020

OUSA has disaffiliated the Dunedin Fire and Circus Club (DFCC), citing a breach of rules around student numbers in the club. The investigation into the DFCC began in July, when members of the club raised concerns about the ratio of students to non-students, as well as concerns about Read more...
Posted 1:48am Friday 2nd October 2020

This is the final issue of Critic for 2020, and my last Critic forever. After seven years at this glorious institution and three with your student magazine, it’s finally time for me to graduate from student media and student politics. It took me a long time to decide what my final editorial Read more...
EDITORIAL: We’re About to Have the First Māori OUSA President in 22 Years, and That’s a Huge Deal
Posted 3:01pm Sunday 27th September 2020

Otago students are never going to have a student executive that is fully representative of all of their interests. This is ultimately because representative democracy is, for the most part, a sham. Politicians are always going to be promising things that they can’t deliver because, at the end Read more...
Editorial: Why Aren’t You Voting Yes?
Posted 4:37pm Sunday 20th September 2020

CW: Addiction When you vote in the cannabis referendum, you should vote yes. Not just for yourself, but for your family or friends who use it, whether or not you know that they do. Vote yes so that the people who already use cannabis - medically or recreationally - don’t have their lives Read more...
Jack Brazil Posters May Be Illegal
Posted 4:40pm Sunday 13th September 2020

The Electoral Commission are investigating whether posters of the Dunedin Green Party candidate’s face are an illegal election advertisement, after several complaints. Other Dunedin electorate candidates have called these posters “a slap in the face” and “reprehensibly Read more...
Students Less Likely to Vote if Exam Remains on Election Day
Posted 4:32pm Sunday 13th September 2020

Students who have an exam on election day said they were less likely to vote than if their exam was on another day. On 17 October, the day of the New Zealand General Election, Otago Uni has scheduled 37 exams, affecting a total of 1530 students. The exam timetable was released a week after the Read more...
Editorial | Let Students Vote On A Day Without Exams
Posted 3:53pm Sunday 13th September 2020

None of this is a hot take: Once you’re at the ballot box, all you have to do is tick a couple of times. Once for the person you think would best represent Dunedin, another for which party you think would best make decisions for the country, and then either a ‘yes’ or Read more...
Local Produce: Hannah Martin
Posted 10:28pm Thursday 10th September 2020

Hannah Martin isn’t a Dunedin local, but Critic is officially claiming her as one of Dunedin and Studentville’s best emerging artists. She submitted her piece, “The Creation of Dunners”, to the OUSA Art Exhibition, and describes that piece like she does her other work: Read more...

Sinead Gill