Clark V. Woodhouse | Student allowances and living costs
Posted 11:31am Sunday 24th September 2017

Michael Woodhouse National is committed to supporting students with the costs associated with tertiary study. A tertiary education is a major investment, not just for you as students, but for New Zealand as a country. New Zealand has one of the most generous student support systems in the Read more...
Clark V. Woodhouse | Housing
Posted 11:14am Sunday 17th September 2017

Michael Woodhouse Buying a home is often the single biggest purchase a person makes in their lifetime and National is committed to working hard to ensure more New Zealanders are able to own their own home. The most difficult hurdle to overcome for first home buyers is pulling together the Read more...
Clark V. Woodhouse | Is the New Zealand Health Care System “the Envy of the World”?
Posted 11:10am Sunday 10th September 2017

David Clark The government recently told cancer sector leaders that our healthcare system is “the envy of the World”. That comment has been roundly criticised. Australians are able to access new and innovative medicines, while New Zealanders are not. They know that our cancer Read more...
Clark V. Woodhouse | What is the Best Way to Deal with Youth Offenders?
Posted 11:10am Sunday 3rd September 2017

David Clark Over the past few weeks there has been discussion about youth offending, and how New Zealand can address it. The difference in approach between National and Labour on this issue could not be clearer. The current government has announced that they will set up army-run boot camps for Read more...
David Clark | Dunedin Hospital Update
Posted 11:00am Sunday 20th August 2017

The health system across Otago/Southland is struggling more than most – in fact, it’s creaking at its seams. There are likely to be many contributing causes to this current predicament, including the short-funding of health, and a funding model that seems to work against the South. But Read more...
David Clark | Snapchat
Posted 11:10am Sunday 13th August 2017

A major part of my role as a Member of Parliament is being able to have conversations with people across Dunedin North. Calls, emails and letters remain an important part of what I do – either calling or writing myself, or being on the receiving end. But changes in technology mean that I am Read more...
David Clark | Orokonui
Posted 11:42am Sunday 6th August 2017

Orokonui Ecosanctuary is a jewel in Dunedin’s crown. We have a wonderful natural landscape in the south and a proud history of preserving and promoting our wildlife and surroundings. Situated 20km north of the city, the fenced ecosanctuary celebrates New Zealanders’ birth-right as Read more...
David Clark | Jacinda visit and the importance of voting
Posted 1:56pm Sunday 30th July 2017

Thanks to those who packed out the Evison Lounge in the Clubs and Socs building when my friend Jacinda Ardern came to speak about her vision for New Zealand, and the choice voters will have to make in September this year. Despite the America’s Cup Victory Parade and, I’m told, a Read more...
David Clark | Health and Education vs. Tax Cuts
Posted 11:18am Sunday 23rd July 2017

Under the National government, things have swung too far out of balance in our country. A small group of ultra-wealthy people continue to get ahead while everyday New Zealanders are running to stand still, or are being left behind. That deeply concerns me. No matter your background, everyone Read more...
David Clark | Warm dry housing and students
Posted 11:35am Sunday 16th July 2017

Every New Zealander should expect to be able to live in a warm dry house: students included. But, unfortunately many students still endure cold, damp and mouldy accommodation. I’m sure that isn’t news to many of you reading this column. Substandard living conditions contribute to poor Read more...

David Clark