Theatre: Time Stands Still
Posted 3:12pm Sunday 4th October 2015 by Shaun Swain

Rating: 4/5 "When you’re looking down that lens, time comes to a stop.” We all try, in one way or another, to capture some aspect of life and keep it forever; sometimes to preserve it, sometimes to just let it go. Lara Macgregor’s rendition of Time Stands Still, written Read more...
Theatre: The Hound of the Baskervilles
Posted 1:35pm Sunday 16th August 2015 by Kirsty Gordge

Rating: 4/5 With three actors playing several roles throughout the show, The Hound of the Baskervilles is a theatre production that provides a refreshingly unconventional take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s most well-known Sherlock Holmes mystery. Featuring Detective Sherlock Holmes (Nick Read more...
Capping Show Review: Campus Watch
Posted 1:21pm Sunday 17th May 2015 by Maya Dodd

Rating: 4/5 As a seasoned attendee of The Capping Show (seasoned may be a little too generous a term — I’ve only been to three), I was expecting big things. If the renowned humour associated with the comic event failed to brighten the gloomy pit in which I am currently residing, I was Read more...
Theatre review: The War Play
Posted 2:51pm Sunday 12th April 2015 by Gini Jory

Rating: 4/5 In 2005, Private Jack Braithwaite and five other soldiers were pardoned and awarded medals for their service by Prime Minister Helen Clark under the Pardon for the Soldiers of the Great War Act 2000. The War Play focuses on the relatives of writer, Philip Braithwaite, and the scandal Read more...
Dunedin Fringe Festival Dance/Theatre Performance: Bbeals
Posted 5:43pm Sunday 22nd March 2015 by Rachael Hodge

Rating: 4/5 A s one dancer rightly pointed out, Bbeals “sure was no swan lake.” To say the least, Bbeals, performed by the New Zealand dance company, Footnote, and a French company, Danses en l’R, was interesting. I wasn’t sure what I was expecting from the show. However, I was Read more...
The Dunedin Fringe Festival
Posted 5:30pm Sunday 8th March 2015 by Mandy Te

Among the shattered glass that litters our streets and the misrepresentation of Dunedin as a place that’s full of wasted students, this city has a lot to give — especially when it comes to the arts. From James K. Baxter, Janet Frame and Alan Dale (the guy who plays the evil, rich grandpa with the Read more...
Outside Mullingar
Posted 4:35pm Sunday 22nd February 2015 by Bridie Boyd

Rating: 3/5 Outside Mullingar has too many faults to be more than average. The plot is classically Irish, with rain, farms, endless tea and family feuds in abundance. The First Act deals with death, family inheritance and lost love in an emotionally battering rollercoaster. Anthony Reilly is Read more...
7 Days Live
Posted 3:48pm Saturday 13th December 2014 by Anonymous Bird

Without the restrictions of the TV cameras and the censors, the 7 Days team are presenting the live show at the Regent Theatre tonight. Be there to see what happens when the cameras aren't rolling! Critic asked Josh Thomson and Jeremy Elwood some of life’s big questions to get a feel for Read more...
Interview: Jerome Cousins - Improsaurus
Posted 4:20pm Sunday 4th May 2014 by Zane Pocock

Give me a quick background of Improsaurus! We are a local Dunedin improv group that performs fortnightly shows at the Fortune Theatre Studio. We have been there for a little over the last two years, and then two years before that at various venues around Dunedin ‘til we got offered the space Read more...
Interview: Richard Parker - Organiser of the Fetish Ball
Posted 4:50pm Sunday 6th April 2014 by Nina Harrap

“We trans-morph modern and ritual craft forms, interweaving them into an artistic experience with you as part of the pattern.” – Although practically no one will admit it, most of us have a fetish of some kind. Maybe you’ve got a normal-ish one, like enjoying having your Read more...