Have you slept with them?
- In my dreams (1)
- Once or twice (2)
- A few times but wouldn’t say often (3)
- At least twice a week (4)
Do you stay the night?
- Definitely not - that’s a no go (1)
- Sometimes after a night on the piss (2)
- Most times but I leave before noon (3)
- Hell yeah, I’d leave at 3pm if I wanted (4)
Are cuddles a thing between you two?
- Only after sex (1)
- If I’m in the mood (2)
- All the bloody time (3)
- Hell yeah, we cuddle in public too (4)
Would you hang out with them in public?
- Definitely not (1)
- I try not to (2)
- Here and there (3)
- Yeah we’re comfortable (4)
How often would you chat on FB?
- Only an up2 (1)
- Possibly but mainly to organise our dates (2)
- Always, gotta lay the groundwork (3)
- Yeah, constant updates (4)
Would you get with anyone else at the same time?
- 100% will (1)
- Not sure we haven’t talked about it (2)
- Most definitely NOT (3)
- I don’t want to (4)
If you were with them and you bumped into an old friend, how would you introduce them?
- “Uh this is” pause awkward look before just saying their name (1)
- “This is my mate …” (2)
- “This is my boy/girl friend” (4)
Fuck Buddies
Score: 7-9
Straight up no one has feelings right now. If you do, run. Or have the talk.
Friends with Benefits
Score: 10-14
Just two old mates getting together. If you like them more than a friend, have the talk. If you’ve been in this situation for longer than a month or so, you’re fucked; they are not interested in a relationship.
Score: 15-17
You two haven’t quite figured it out yet but at least one of you has feelings for the other. Be bold and make a move.
Seeing Each Other
Score: 18-21
Definitely exclusive. Do not sleep with someone else; you will break their heart.
Score: 22-27
You’re locked in for the long haul. Good luck to you and your lover. Remember me on your wedding day.