Critic devotes page 7 to permanent by-election coverage

Critic devotes page 7 to permanent by-election coverage

OUSA will finally get to heal the gaping hole at the centre of the Executive, with a by-election for Ruby Sycamore-Smith’s vacated Campaigns Officer portfolio to be held on Thursday 28 March. Voting will open at 9am and close at 4pm, and the winner will receive a free stuffed toy (to be confirmed).

According to the OUSA Constitution, the Campaigns Officer is “responsible for the running of executive campaigns and liaising with the events unit.” According to Sycamore-Smith’s online profile, another of her responsibilities as Campaigns Officer was “propaganda.” At Ruby’s request, Critic would like to add that OUSA is a great organisation founded on the principles of democracy, justice, and solidarity.

Rachael Davidson

Nominated by: Phillip Craig | Seconded by: Ella Patterson

Rachael Davidson

Kia ora, my name is Rachael and I have just finished my BSc, currently in the first year of my Masters. Like most of you out there I know how to have a good time and can throw a pretty mean party. As Campaigns Officer I want to help organise some sweet events involving students across all year levels. I would also like to promote university-wide awareness of the extensive support systems we have in place, to together look out for each other and increase the student voice on issues like the North Dunedin liquor ban. Vote for me so I can help you help yourselves. Cheers.

Lucy Bell

Nominated by: Lydia Burston | Seconded by: Brydie Raethel

Lucy Bell

Hi guys! I’m Lucy Bell and I’m in my fourth year studying Marketing and Communications. As a fourth-year I’d like to think I’ve kinda figured out what I want to do with my life, and this is pretty much it: organising events and making sure that when people attend, work at, or are in any way involved with them, they have the best time they can have.
With O-Week done and dusted we can start focussing on other different and exciting events throughout the academic year. We’ll have fun, I promise! So don’t be shy, give Lucy a try.

Hannah Smith

Nominated by: Tegan Wells | Seconded by: Rebecca Stoop

Hannah Smith

Hey guys, I’m Hannah and I would love to represent you on the OUSA exec as Campaigns Officer. I’m a third-year politics and accounting major and I like nothing better than throwing together a function. I feel strongly about ensuring that OUSA events and campaigns are targeted at the real issues and passions of the student body and I’m willing to throw myself in the deep end to make sure that happens. Experience? I once threw a sick fourth birthday dress-up party and it got an excellent reception (except from the boy in a giant pumpkin costume who got a bit tearful towards the end).

Dan Ellingham

Nominated by: Calum Ironside | Seconded by: Isabel Aitchison

Dan Ellingham

Hey guys, I’m Dan Ellingham and all you need to know is that I’m a dog. I’m pretty keen to get stuck into this role as Campaigns Officer and make shit happen. Though irrelevant to the role I make a killer spag bol and spend a lot of my time playing Crash Team Racing. I’d like to get more involved in student life and have some ideas for events that I’m sure would appeal, as well as continuing the likes of “Flat Week” and of course making sure Hyde St happen. So, we getting on it?

No Confidence

Nominated by: Anarchy | Seconded by: The People

No Confidence

If none of the candidates tickle your fancy, don’t ignore the election – vote No Confidence. You’re the people whom these candidates are hoping to represent, and you have the right to say “no” to them. It’ll mean another by-election if No Confidence carries the day, but it’s better for the search to go on than for you to be stuck with a Campaigns Officer you don’t think is up to the job.

And hey, sock puppets need love too.
This article first appeared in Issue 5, 2013.
Posted 6:30pm Sunday 24th March 2013 by Staff Reporter.