Te Rōpū Māori: Te Rito 2024

Te Rōpū Māori: Te Rito 2024


Kia ora koutou, ko Izzy Rewiri-Wharerau tōku ingoa, he uri ahau nō Ngāpuhi me Ngāti Awa. My role within Te Rito 2024 is Kaihāpai, which is the financial liaison of our rōpu. I was raised in Tūrangi, a small town in the central North Island, but my whakapapa ties back to Russell, Waima, and Whanarua Bay. I am currently in my fifth and final year of a conjoint degree, in a Bachelor of Health Sciences majoring in Māori Health and a Bachelor of Commerce majoring in Finance. I’m looking forward to connecting with tauira and working alongside our other tauira associations. Mauri ora! 


Kia ora Dunners! My name is Isobel Edwards-Jull (but everyone calls me Bibi) and I am the Apiha Hauora of Tē Rōpū Māori 2024!!! I hail from the East Coast in the Bay of Plenty, and am in my third-year of study. My role gives me much joy as sports has always been a pillar within my life, helping me socially branch and grow in an environment I understand. Stepping into my role, I kept in mind the hardships that could possibly come to light and remind myself regularly to keep my intentions positive and for the betterment of our Māori tauira within this university. My favourite event that I have facilitated for so far would be the 'Play for Palestine' Charity Event as the whakawhanaungatanga, support and knowledge that we gained at the event, gave me immense joy. Nō reira, tena koutou katoa me tū ake te whakatōhea!!! Lots of love, from your Apiha Hauora, Bibi :)


Mauri ora e te iwi! Ko Davontae Bristowe tōku ingoa, he uri tenei nō Ngāpuhi me Te Arawa hoki, I tipu ake au ki Whāngarei, ko Kaipāpāho Matua ahau mo Te Rōpū Māori ki 2024! I am in my third year studying towards a BPA minoring in Māori Studies and I want to amplify the voices of our tauira Māori through our different streams of communication as the comms officer for this year.


Kia oraaa e te whānau, my name is Ani! Born and raised in Gizzy and I am the Āpiha Mātauranga for TRM this year. I'm in my third and final year studying Māori health! Also guys make sure to come along to our pre-weekend study sesh’s because #academicweapons


Ko Pania-Aroha Te Kiri-Tuwairua ahau, ne uri tenei no Tuhoe! I am the kaiwhakahaere kaupapa for TRM. I'm here to plan and run all of our social events for this year. I want to see all of your beautiful faces in the whare and at our kaupapa, so don't be shy and come be my friend x 


​​Kia ora rā! Ko Kowhai Tepania-Morgan tōku ingoa. Ko Ngāruawāhia tōku tūrangawaewae. I am the Āpiha Ahurea (Cultural Officer) for Te Rōpū Māori this year. A few things that I cover in my role event-wise are the likes of Matariki celebrations, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, reo classes, any and all performances like Māori pre-graduation, ANZAC, and the Tuakiritaka ceremony just to name a few. Another event I run is Māori Hour which is held every Friday from 5:30pm to 7:30pm – venue confirmed weekly via our Instagram stories (@teropu.maori). This is open to everyone and anyone who wants to get their kapa haka, kēmu (game), or whanaungatanga (socialising) fix on. What better way to finish off your week? We highly encourage you all to come along to Māori Hour. If you have any questions please feel free to message any of us on the executive team! Ngā manaakitanga!


Kia Ora e te whānau, Ko Aliyah Tautuhi-Fraser toku ingoa! He uri tēnei nō Te Rarawa, Te Aupōuri me Ngāti Porou anō hoki! I am your Kaiwhakahaere Tari for this year and am currently studying a BA in indigenous development. The mahi that I do surrounds the admin kaupapa of Te Rito, doing our minutes, sorting out logistics, sorting out plans and making sure Te Rito are doing what they need to do in style. I want to be a part of the reason why people want to come to TRM, where they can be themselves without judgment, no matter where you are in your journey. We represent our whānau, hapu and iwi. We are the future of our people and us at the TRM whare got you! 

This article first appeared in Issue 12, 2024.
Posted 11:12pm Sunday 19th May 2024 by Te Rōpū Māori.