How Reo Changes with Region
Posted 2:12pm Sunday 31st July 2022 by Skyla o Ngāti Hine

Te reo Māori is on the rise. Well actually, it has been for over forty years. Whether you’re from Dunedin or just here for the moment, you’re likely to have encountered the dialect of the Kāi Tahu iwi here in Ōtepoti. And while the mita is distinctly different from Read more...
Heaps of West Coast Land to be Reclassified
Posted 11:29pm Friday 8th July 2022 by Denzel Chung and Fox Meyer

The Department of Conservation (DoC) is set to reclassify 600,000 hectares of protected “stewardship” land on the West Coast – the size of over 3 Rakiura (Stewart Islands). DoC says that this will provide stronger protections for its natural and historic features, but some worry Read more...
Iwi Dialects: Because Te Reo Isn’t the Same Everywhere
Posted 3:34pm Sunday 12th September 2021 by Students of Te Roopū Māori

Growing up in Aotearoa, chances are you’ve learned a bit of te reo here and there. While you might think there is a one-size-fits all approach, that’s not the case. All across Aotearoa, different iwi in different regions each have their own individual dialects of te reo. Listed below are Read more...
A Brief History of Ngāi Tahu: Things you should probably know about the land you’re on
Posted 3:21pm Sunday 12th September 2021 by Annabelle Vaughan

If you’ve come to study at Otago University from up North, picked fruit in the sweltering heat of Central Otago, gone skiing on the slopes in Wānaka, or gone stargazing at Lake Tekapo, it’s important for you to know about Ngāi Tahu. Ngāi Tahu, also known as Kāi Tahu, Read more...
Plea for Policy: Why the government should devolve social services to iwi
Posted 11:13am Sunday 31st July 2016 by Henry Napier

The 21st century so far has offered some significant ebbs in New Zealand race relations. If one were to ask a New Zealand politics student what the major blows for bi-culturalism were in the last 16 years you would likely receive a list of the following; the passing of the Foreshore and Seabed Act Read more...
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