Exclusive Interview: BuffCorrell
Posted 6:48pm Thursday 27th February 2020

Why is he shirtless? Why can’t I stop watching? Why does he do this?? BuffCorrell, who had previously never given an interview, has been an online legend - and mystery - for a decade now. Critic scored an exclusive interview with him. He answered my questions over email, and didn’t know Read more...
Picking Up Butts
Posted 12:29am Friday 21st February 2020

Flo Week is a week-long ceremony of buying shit you don’t need from Kmart and deleting piss with the bradas. Throughout the week, different named flats host different themed parties, and everyone gets absolutely cunted on White Rhinos and Billy Mavs. I considered joining in on some of the Read more...
Students to Watch: You
Posted 9:32pm Thursday 3rd October 2019
Over the past 25 issues, we’ve been documenting people on campus who are making an impact on the community around them. From people who run community groups, fashion designers, entrepreneurs, to those dedicated to the best chicken nugget deals around town. We only had space to fit in a select Read more...
Students to Watch: Ben Paanakker and Flynn Robson, aka Breatha Science
Posted 12:22am Friday 13th September 2019

“Vaccinate your kids, be aware of hidden water, global warming is not a myth, and fuck Donald Trump.” These are the mottos of local students Ben Paanakker and Flynn Robson. Ben and Flynn seem like the average breatha. Living on Queen, loving a cheeky Wednesday night appearance at Pint Read more...
Students to Watch | James Fletcher
Posted 11:07pm Thursday 29th August 2019

“Even the most confident and socially accepted people have negative thoughts. It’s just part of life. I think that being aware that these things can come and go like the tide is important in maintaining a healthy mind.” James Fletcher is a 22-year-old Law and Commerce student. Read more...
Students to Watch | Eva Cambourn
Posted 9:34pm Saturday 17th August 2019

“We want to encourage people to do the right thing and just do what they can. If we can keep that momentum going, keep that fire burning, we feel like we might be able to point humanity in the right direction.” At only 24, Eva Cambourn works as the director and designer of her own Read more...
Best Dressed Couple On Campus
Posted 9:14pm Saturday 17th August 2019

The gay paradise ducks that hang out on Union Lawn (fuck the heterosexual paradise ducks that live by the Leith) are inspirational. These good boys love to waddle around the food trucks, eat grass, and serve luuks. After months trying to book an interview, Samuel L Quackson and Quackie Chan sat down Read more...
Guest Editorial: An Open Love Letter to Supré
Posted 8:08pm Saturday 17th August 2019

The day that Supré closed down in the Meridian Mall was a sad day for Dunedin. Although I was more of a Jay-Jays kid growing up, I remember going there in my early teenage years and it completely changed me. When you walked in, you were greeted with overwhelming fluorescent lights, Taio Read more...
Students to Watch – Thibaut Espirit
Posted 5:07pm Sunday 11th August 2019

“Growing up in New Caledonia, I did not have any sex education, and no safe queer spaces for my young questioning self. I really wanted to be able to provide something I wish I had back in the days.” Thibaut (Tee) Espirit is originally from New Caledonia, which he describes as “a Read more...
Nightmare at the Museum: a Comprehensive Guide of Items to Heist at Otago Museum
Posted 5:04pm Sunday 11th August 2019

When I was a kid, I was terrified of the Otago Museum; the giant Moa that used to light up and make noises whenever you’d walk past or donate to it, the scary rotting taxidermy animal faces in Animal Attic, the dude covered in Puffer Fish skin, and even just the general dimly lit aura used to Read more...
Henessey Griffiths
Culture Editor