Ethel & Hyde | Sexual consent
Posted 2:55pm Sunday 16th July 2017

Dear Ethel and Hyde, So a couple of weeks ago I went to this big post-exam blow out party with my flatties. We preloaded at home and were on form when we arrived. I got talking with this guy I recognised from one of my classes. He was pretty flirty and after few more drinks he suggested we go Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Mould is the new tie-die
Posted 2:25pm Sunday 9th July 2017

I’ve come back to my flat and thought I’d check for mould. What I found is so disgusting I can hardly bring myself to go to bed at night. My pillow is fully mouldy, the wall where my bed was against it is mouldy, and the sheets are mouldy where they were against the wall. I left my good Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 13
Posted 1:43pm Sunday 28th May 2017

Dear Ethel and Hyde I can see my breath in my room and all my clothes and bedding feel damp. I am ‘not allowed’ to use a heater because we all agreed to that at the start of the year. I’ve changed my mind, but don’t want to cause a fight. Please Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 12
Posted 2:16pm Sunday 21st May 2017

Dear Ethel & Hyde I’ve been having some flatting trouble. At first, I thought maybe I was overreacting, or that the stress of university was just hitting me a little bit hard. Then I started to keep track of things that were happening, and realised it wasn’t all in my head. One of Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 11
Posted 2:06pm Sunday 14th May 2017

Dear Ethel & Hyde Our elderly neighbour keeps calling noise control. Even when we are not having a party noise control have come and checked and said we are fine with our noise level. What can we do to stop the neighbours complaining? - Annoyed, Not Noisy Ethel and Hyde is Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 10
Posted 3:27pm Sunday 7th May 2017

Dear Ethel & Hyde My flatmate's boyfriend keeps eating my food. I know it is him but when I confronted him he denied it. What should I do? Hangry Ethel and Hyde is brought to you by the Student Support Centre. They advise you to take Ethel’s advice. Send your questions Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 9
Posted 1:06pm Sunday 30th April 2017

Ethel & Hyde: A call for questions from our good and evil agony aunts. If you want to sort out your problems and/or make them worse, you should write to Ethel says: All you wee buttons out there having some problems should write in to me for some practical Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 8
Posted 2:40pm Sunday 23rd April 2017

Hi, I got a cold a few weeks ago and it won’t go away. Just when I think it is getting better it comes back again. The doctor told me it might be because of the mould in my house, which started growing after that big hailstorm at the start of semester. Is there anything I can do about the Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 7
Posted 1:47pm Sunday 9th April 2017

We had an epic party but the council noise control came and took our speakers away, then they came back 2 more times and took away a laptop, then our amplifier. They are trying to make us pay 3 fines to get our stuff back. And we have to pay a separate fine to the Proctor’s office as well. Is Read more...
Ethel & Hyde | Issue 6
Posted 2:36pm Sunday 2nd April 2017

Dear Ethyl and Hyde, I’ve just been diagnosed with Celiac Disease but I can’t afford gluten free food. - Rice Cake Ethel and Hyde is brought to you by the Student Support Centre. They advise you to take Ethel’s advice. Send your questions Read more...
Student Support