Ethel & Hyde | Issue 5

Posted 2:34pm Sunday 26th March 2017

Dear Ethyl and Hyde,  My lab partner is a fucking dumbass and keeps interrupting me during my calculations etc. to ask questions. It messes up my train of thought and as a result I’m not getting stuff cemented mentally. How can I get them to stfu? Disclaimer: Student Support advises Read more...

Ethel & Hyde | Issue 4

Posted 3:00pm Sunday 19th March 2017

Our bastard landlord from last year chucked out all our stored furniture, even though the new tenants had said it was sweet with them. We didn’t even leave it in the house but had made a massive effort and put it all really neatly in the shed outside. When we came back to get it the week Read more...

Ethel & Hyde | Issue 3

Posted 3:01pm Sunday 12th March 2017

Stuck with flatties! I’m a second-year student and it’s my first time flatting. I’m flatting with people from my hall from first-year but I actually fucking hate their guts. They have parties at my house and don’t invite me. I’ve signed a full-year Read more...

Ethel & Hyde | Issue 2

Posted 2:06pm Sunday 5th March 2017

Help me, I have a mad boner for my lecturer. Should I make a move on that? Is this legal? Help. Frustrated Disclaimer: Student Support advises you to take Ethel’s advice. Send your questions to:   Ethel says: Oh dear, that sounds Read more...

Ethel & Hyde | Issue 1

Posted 1:46pm Sunday 26th February 2017

Some kind of bottom dwelling scum loving slug must have lived in the flat I just moved into, cos it is gross. I only saw pictures of it online before I moved in and it looked great.  Now I see it in reality it is smaller, dirtier and older than I was expecting.  There is hair in the shower Read more...

Dear Ethel | Issue 26

Posted 11:57am Saturday 8th October 2016

Dear Ethel, My mum’s really sick and I may have to drop everything to go home any day. Dad’s not working at the moment and I don’t want to ask him for money because everything is going towards mum’s medical bills. Is there anywhere I can get some financial help? Also, what Read more...

Dear Ethel | Issue 24

Posted 11:45am Saturday 24th September 2016

Dear Ethel, I am super stressed out. What if I fail my exams? I haven’t done so well this year so I seriously have to pass everything. Can’t eat, can’t sleep… what can I do? Pass or pass out   Breathe! You have time and if you take it steady, you are likely Read more...

Dear Ethel | Issue 23

Posted 1:20pm Saturday 17th September 2016

Dear Ethel, The power at our flat has been cut off. I had no idea that we were behind, our monthly payments go to one of the flatties who arranged it all at the start of the year. Turns out someone has been strapped for cash and bailing on their share but no-one’s been talking about it. Now Read more...

Dear Ethel | Issue 22

Posted 12:10pm Saturday 10th September 2016

Dear Ethel, My car just failed its warrant of fitness and I can’t afford the $220 it’s going to cost to get it repaired. I need my car because I’m living in Brockville and the buses are terrible and super expensive. Any ideas? -Wheelin’, not Read more...

Dear Ethel | Issue 21

Posted 12:04pm Sunday 4th September 2016

Dear Ethel, I’m living in a studio room and it’s really miserable. I never see any of my other housemates and when I do, it’s just in passing. The kitchen’s always gross but I don’t feel I can saying anything about it. I’m so uncomfortable using the communal Read more...

Showing results 21 - 30 of 67

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