Bush did 9/11?
Posted 2:21pm Sunday 1st May 2022

Chances are, if you ask any parent, friend or relative over the age of 30, they can tell you exactly what they were doing and where they were when 9/11 happened. The impact of 9/11 still persists to this day, along with the mountains of conspiracy theories that came out of it. The conspiracies that Read more...
Queers Do It Better: What We Can All Learn From Gay Sex
Posted 9:05pm Thursday 4th April 2019

It's easy to think that being queer is all tragedy all the time, but it has upsides too. Being free from mainstream expectations around sex has made my life a whole lot better — and even if you're straight, it can help yours too. As a bisexual trans man, I've been pretty damn Read more...
I Led a Police Hunt Through the Botans When I Was High
Posted 2:58pm Friday 14th September 2018

Put down your Billy Mavs, put away your study notes and buckle in because I am about to tell you the greatest story of all time. It all started two months after a nasty breakup. I still missed my ex. I missed his eyes, his flakiness, his unwashed foreskin, his intense fear of commitment. I Read more...
I Accidentally Smoked Laced Weed and It Fucked Me Up
Posted 2:55pm Friday 14th September 2018

Weed is fucking terrifying. Not a statement that you hear very often as for most people who use the drug it is a relatively positive experience, for me however this is not the case. Here is my story of a 2-day drug trip that has put me off any other illicit substances for life, which Read more...
What It’s Like To Be On Anti-Depressants
Posted 2:52pm Friday 14th September 2018

For the past couple of years, I’ve had a consistent low mood; not showering, eating junk food, staying in bed all day. Yeah, I’m single boys, come and get it. However, despite all this, it was also kind of manageable. Dry shampoo and Blackboard slides were my sweet, sweet Read more...
Swipe right, strap on, sneak out
Posted 11:42am Saturday 10th September 2016

It was on the front page. It was a story about this new app – meant you could meet people from the comfort of your couch without a single spray of cologne. My girlfriend had just finished reading it. She said: “Would you use it? Ya know, if you were single?” Sensing a minefield I Read more...
A Game of Faculties
Posted 4:00pm Sunday 5th May 2013

The Seven Kingdoms of Dunderos and the Free Cities of Taerios are lands of sadistic mediocrity. When you play the Game of Faculties, you neither win nor die: in the end, there is only the swift abandonment of convenient tutorial-based friendships and dismal remuneration. School of Business Read more...
Baby Boom and Bust
Posted 3:14pm Sunday 28th April 2013

With a readership of 269,000, the Listener is New Zealand’s most widely-read current affairs magazine – but it’s also the home of three tragically in-decline columnists. Callum Fredric and Maddy Phillipps document the writers’ undignified transformation into commentators both one-note and off-key. Read more...
Maslow's Hierarchy of Facebook Needs
Posted 5:13pm Sunday 21st April 2013

Maslow’s pyramid illustrates the stages that human motivations move through as we satisfy increasingly sophisticated psychological needs. The most basic needs are at the bottom. The less urgent but still important needs are at the top. Previously, a couple of 100-level PSYC papers would have been Read more...
Lonesome World - Dunedin
Posted 5:13pm Sunday 21st April 2013

Why Go?Most guides to New Zealand will tell you that Wellington has the culture, Auckland has the luxury, and Queenstown has the beauty. But savvy travellers have long since known that dynamic Dunedin does all three far better than the big, scene-stealing tourist traps. Home to the University of Read more...

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