In a distressing turn of events, a Dunedin student was saved by her fiancé with the aid of the entertainment and social news website Reddit. Melody Madill began experiencing a seizure during a Skype session with her fiancé, Anna Messner on Tuesday afternoon. Messner, situated in the US, was physically powerless.
“I was terrified,” Messner said, “I had never seen her twitch and flail so violently, or her mouth froth and her lips turned blue. I tried to get her to respond or turn her head so she wouldn’t choke. At this point I was screaming, begging her to stay with me.”
Messner called the US emergency services but was informed they could not assist with overseas medical emergencies.
In an act of desperation, Messner turned to Reddit, begging a New Zealand audience to come to her assistance and call the ambulance. The post read: “Mayday need someone to call 111.”
After ten minutes, Jana Hayes, a Christchurch woman, answered Messner’s message and the number for the New Zealand emergency service was called. Hayes followed the call by returning to Reddit to report the situation. She admitted: “I was a bit sceptical in case this was a joke (Had to give my cell number and name, and I hate lying lol) ... I’m glad I did it anyway. PLEASE keep us updated, let us know when she’s out and that she’s been given the all-clear.”
A full forty-five minutes passed since the beginning of Madill’s seizure to the moment the paramedics knocked on her front door. Still on Skype, Messner heard the knocks and yelled as loud as she could. Madill by this time was able to rise and open the door. Madill explained she was “very confused” by the incident. She had been diagnosed with epilepsy as a child, but had not experienced any seizures in 10 years.