Greatest hits / Greatest shits | Issue 17

Greatest Hit

This week’s Greatest Hit is an easy one. Just hop onto, refresh a few times, and you’ll see why. Perhaps campaign-year-specific websites aren’t the best idea if you’re not going to maintain them.

Greatest Shit

Normally I stick to New Zealand politics with these sorts of gaffes, but sometimes it’s necessary to move beyond our cosy bubble. I don’t doubt you’ve heard that Israel is bombing the shit out of Palestine, and you’ve probably seen posters around the University for the Free Gaza rally that took place a couple of weekends ago. What you might not have seen, even though it went viral, is that an Israeli soldier took it upon himself to Instagram a Palestinian child in the crosshairs of a sniper rifle. That’s not just shit-worthy, that’s disgusting.
This article first appeared in Issue 17, 2014.
Posted 10:15pm Sunday 27th July 2014 by Carys Goodwin.