Ko tēnei te wiki o te reo Māori. Kua tae ki te wā kia whai koe i tō reo Māori. Ko te kaupapa “Te Kupu O Te Wiki”. Engari, e hiahia ana ahau kia ako koutou he kupu hou i a rā mo tenei wiki. E hiahia ano ahau kia korerohia e koutou aua kupu i roto i o koutou korerorero o te rā. E pono ana ahau ki te whakakī koe i tō kete ki ngā kupu Māori ka tipu ake to mōhiotanga o te reo Māori. Mēnā e hiahia koe he āwhina, he tautoko rānei haere mai ki te whare o Te Roopū Māori.
Hello everyone, all students of the University of Otago:
This week is the Māori Language week. This is a chance for you to get involved in learning the Māori language. The theme for this year is “The word of the week.” However, I want you to learn a new word every day for this week. I also want you to choose words that you are able to use in everyday conversation. I believe that if you fill your bag with Māori words your understanding of the Māori language will grow. So if you need any assistance or support don’t hesitate to visit Te Roopū Māori house (523 Castle street). You can also find translations at www.maoridictionary.co.nz
Here are a few words you can use every day:
- mahi – work;
- tari – office or department;
- ako – to learn or study;
- tauira – student;
- whakamātautau – examination or test.
Te Roopū Māori have events running throughout the week. Come along and be involved:
- Monday: Kupu video competition begins.
- Tuesday: He Pō Reo 6-8pm at TRM Whare.
- Wednesday: Treasure Hunt 12pm at the TRM Whare.
- Thursday: A fundraiser - five dollar boil-up with rewana from 6pm at Te Tumu (purchase tickets from TRM Whare) and Prize Giving.
There are many prizes up for grabs from vouchers to an iPad Mini. Check out Te Roopū Māori Facebook for more information or come into TRM whare.
To wrap up: enjoy your week and enjoy learning and speaking Te Reo Māori with all of your peers. I will leave you with this well-known Māori proverb.
“Nau te rourou, naku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi”
With your food basket and my food basket the people will thrive.
Mauri ora,
Mariana Te Pou
Tumuaki o Te Roopū Māori