Young Politician | Issue 05

Guy McCallum of ACT

For ACT, making a difference is what we’re interested in. Not disrupting debate, like Young Labour’s twit who wrote in this column last. There are people who work for nothing, providing fine services to the vulnerable and voiceless, and he thinks making a difference is following John Key about, making his ministers cry.

He says so with no shame. No surprises, though. His party leader wants to take control, for instance, from communities, parents, and children, who are presently making a difference with help from Partnership Schools. Many from struggling communities of Northland want these schools; but Labour promises to snatch them away, all because the tantrums of unions stood in for compelling argument.

ACT stands for handing control over our lives and communities back to where they belong instead of in the hands of the Government, whichever party that may be. In our individual lives, and in the life of our communities, the real differences are made from our own efforts. ACT gets it. Labour doesn’t want you to.
This article first appeared in Issue 5, 2014.
Posted 5:30pm Sunday 23rd March 2014 by Guy McCallum.