Homemade Potato Chips
Posted 1:36pm Sunday 21st May 2017 by Liani Baylis

You know those days when the thought of putting a bra on to go get snacks cripples your very existence? Today is one of those days. Good god Uber eats would go off in this town! Alas, we don’t have it, nor does Countdown deliver one bag of kettle chips. No, we must venture out to get snacks or Read more...
The Travel Salad
Posted 12:35pm Sunday 14th May 2017 by Liani Baylis

I’m first to admit that I am the stingiest bitch out when it comes to parting with money at crappy roadside stops. There is nothing worse than paying six euros for crusty stale bread and guaranteed salmonella - thanks, but no thanks. I’d much rather save my money for the real goods Read more...
Cauliflower Bites
Posted 1:54pm Sunday 7th May 2017 by Liani Baylis

Over the summer, desperate for yet another hungover feed, beautiful cauliflower nuggets were born. At the time, we had sweet F A in the fridge and I was desperate for something deep-fried without having to wipe last night’s make up off or leave the house. Despite being an utter food snob I Read more...
Posted 12:49pm Sunday 30th April 2017 by Liani Baylis

Bread is life. Bread is Bae (do we still say that?). However, it is also something with which we all have a love-hate relationship. On the one hand, it’s frickin’ delicious and yet on the other, I find myself screaming “my skinny jeans don’t fit anymore, you bastard!” Read more...
How To Actually Cook an Egg
Posted 2:16pm Sunday 23rd April 2017 by Liani Baylis
Picture this—It’s a bleak Sunday Morning. You wake up in a haze and get a sober look at the absolute babe you’ve pulled at Mac’s the night before. Determined to impress the fine lass, you set on whipping up the breakfast of champions before this one wakes up Read more...
Corn Fritters
Posted 12:55pm Sunday 2nd April 2017 by Liani Baylis

As the new kid on the block, I was a bit worried about how I was going to lure you into actually reading this section. Then I remembered what bonds Scarfies only slightly less than diesels and regret—brunch! This recipe is an ode to being perpetually poor, but pay-waving eggs bene anyway and Read more...
Madam Woo Dunedin
Posted 1:30pm Sunday 26th March 2017 by Hugh Baird

When looking for an eatery in Dunedin to truly satisfy the taste buds, it’s hard to look past Madam Woo. Founded by Michelin star chef Josh Emett and well renowned and respected restaurateur Fleur Caulton, Madam Woo is one of (if not) the best Asian eateries in town. Madam Woo has a strong Read more...
Sweet & Sour Pork
Posted 2:06pm Sunday 12th March 2017 by Kirsten Garcia

My SO repeatedly went out for takeaway over the summer break when he was too tired to cook from work. The ridiculous thing is that every time he would get exactly the same thing, from the same place: Sweet and Sour Pork. Seriously, the restaurant probably knows it’s him by his voice when he Read more...
Vietnamese “Summer” Rolls
Posted 1:28pm Sunday 5th March 2017 by Kirsten Garcia

You’ve heard of Spring Rolls, but have you tried Summer rolls? If you visited the Dunedin Noodle Market last week, you might have seen these at one of the stalls. Makes 24 rolls Ingredients 24 Rice Paper Wrappers 200g Frozen Shrimp Lettuce leaves (butter Read more...
Teriyaki Quorn & Tofu Donburi
Posted 1:00pm Saturday 8th October 2016 by Kirsten Garcia

For all the vegans, if Quorn isn't already your friend, it will be. The Quorn pieces are the closest plant based product I have found that resembles the texture of chicken. There is also a "mince" product too, you can find them both in the frozen products aisle at your Read more...