Wow! Impressive Local Boy Jumps Up and Touches Hanging Shop Sign on George Street

Wow! Impressive Local Boy Jumps Up and Touches Hanging Shop Sign on George Street

Crowds of women swoon and fan themselves with ‘kerchiefs as local student Josh Cunnings takes a running leap down George Street, reaching up to slap the Yaks n Yeti’s sign as he does.

“He’s so above average in height,” sighed one girl, gazing after Josh as he casually brushed the tip of the Huffer sign with his fingertips. “It’s dreamy.”

Josh has also been sighted nonchalantly touching the top of doorframes and higher-than-average tree branches, flocks of females not far behind.

This article first appeared in Issue 22, 2019.
Posted 11:48pm Thursday 5th September 2019 by The Critical Tribune.