Third-Year Awkwardly Makes Eye-Contact With Primary School Classmate

Third-Year Awkwardly Makes Eye-Contact With Primary School Classmate

“In my defense,” began Ceridwyn Tentacles, “I wasn’t actually sure whether or not it was the person I was thinking of. It’s been a hot minute since Primary, after all.” But despite this, Ceridwyn was confident in her decision to approach the Critical Tribune about her clash with danger. She says they made the alleged eye contact sitting on opposite sides of the lecture. “She sits with a group of girls and they look pretty intimidating. I’m worried that if she realises who I am, she’ll tell them about that time I pissed myself in the middle of P.E., and they’ll laugh at me.”

Ceridwyn is still contemplating whether attempting a smile next time it happens will break the tension, or make it more awkward.

This article first appeared in Issue 7, 2019.
Posted 2:43am Friday 5th April 2019 by The Critical Tribune.