Is this the ODT's worst ever headline pun?

This week the ODT have tried to force a pun even worse than usual,

Ah yes, because “brass” was used to indicate coinage in the Victorian era, and caulis (the commonly used abbreviation of cauliflower) are becoming more expensive, and cauliflowers are brassicas. It writes itself.


The ODT have decided who they are going to turn to in their darkest hour.

First-year students can’t even tie their shoes.


In Nietzsche-related news,


The ODT has at last presented us with a solution

If only we could have non-birthing everywhere in Central Otago


And finally, the ODT has yet again got aroused watching Parliament TV

This article first appeared in Issue 3, 2018.
Posted 11:41am Sunday 11th March 2018 by Charlie O’Mannin.