Horoscopes: Week 1

Horoscopes: Week 1


Jan 20 - Feb 18

The stars are aligning for you! This year the universe is moving into Aquarius, you lucky ducks. Be prepared for some freaky shit to happen from March till June xx

New Year’s Resolution: Make the most out of every moment.



Feb 19 - Mar 20

Not to alarm you, but this year is going to be rough. Chances are you feel like an emotional sack of garbage right now. But keep on keeping on, you got this. Slay on.

New Year’s Resolution: Be honest with your feelings.



Mar 21 - Apr 19

Happy 2023 Aries! I will try to be a little less mean to you this year, but no promises since you always manage to fuck up somehow.

New Year’s Resolution: Join a sports team.



Apr 20 - May 20

Rest assured there is nothing too overwhelming on the horizon for you. Just keep reading your books and drinking your stale coffee. I’m sure you will eventually feel something soon.

New Year’s Resolution: Get more rizz.



May 21 - Jun 20

I fucking love Geminis. You are unhinged, feral, and tumultuous in all the best ways. Keep Gemini-ing, Geminis.

New Year’s Resolution: Focus on self luv <3



Jun 21 - July 22

You are exhausting. Go touch some grass and stop crying.

New Year’s Resolution: Emotional stability.



July - Aug 22

You’re always the first to check everyone else but the last to check yourself. Sometimes you can be problematic as fuck. Learn to hold yourself accountable, and don’t be so quick to come for others.

New Year’s Resolution: Gain self-awareness.  



Aug 23 - Sep 22

Sometimes you gotta gaslight to get what you want. Don’t be afraid to stir the pot a little this year. You have been too diplomatic for too long.

New Year’s Resolution: Speak your truth.




Sep 23 - Oct 22

Your world must be bliss. Shamelessly flirting, with impeccable style. Libras, you guys have so much rizz. Keep it up.

New Year’s Resolution: Expand your wardrobe.  



Oct 23 - Nov 21

Everyone needs some Scorpio in their life. Never let anyone tell you you’re too intense, emotional, or needy. You are perfect just the way you are.

New Year’s Resolution: Only spend time with people who deserve you.



Nov 22 - Dec 21

Sagittarians, as intelligent as you may think you are, it’s time to stop explaining everything to everyone around you. People don’t need to hear your opinions on every minor event that happens. It’s good to shut up sometimes.

New Year’s Resolution: Be more organised. 



Dec 22 - Jan 19

Capricorns, you guys are a little too secretive. No one knows anything about you, and it’s kinda weird. Learn to open up a little and have faith in your pals. Not everyone is out to get you. Except that possum that lives in your walls.

New Year’s Resolution: Restore faith in humanity. 

This article first appeared in Issue 1, 2023.
Posted 7:35pm Sunday 26th February 2023 by Critic.