Queer and Far New Support for International Queer Students
Posted 10:44am Sunday 6th August 2017 by Zahra Shahtahmasebi
OUSA Student Support have initiated a new support service targeted at international University of Otago and Otago Polytechnic queer students. Named Queer and Far, it will provide a support and talking group. The project was conceived by the current OUSA Queer Support Co-ordinator Hahna Briggs, in Read more...
One Hundred Attend TEU Protest Against Staff Cuts
Posted 10:55am Sunday 6th August 2017 by Joe Higham

Approximately 100 people took to the University of Otago Clocktower on Tuesday last week to protest the proposed 182 full-time equivalent (FTE) general staff cuts. Set up by the Tertiary Education Union (TEU), the protesters drew chalk-outlined bodies on the road outside the building to symbolise Read more...
Building Code Causes OUSA To Scale Back Gender Neutral Toilets
Posted 10:32am Sunday 30th July 2017 by Zahra Shahtahmasebi
Earlier this year, OUSA chose to make the toilets in the Clubs and Societies building on both the ground and first floors gender neutral. In 2013 the Clubs and Socs Centre underwent extensive renovations, which included the ground floor toilets. However, in 2016, OUSA staff noticed that there Read more...
OUCC Kayakers Take on Raging Leith During Floods
Posted 10:44am Sunday 30th July 2017 by Joel MacManus

For some Dunedin residents, the recent flooding was a major disaster, putting homes at risk and straining emergency services beyond capacity. But for the Otago University Canoe Club (OUCC), it was a cause for celebration. When the Leith River floods, it becomes perfect for white water kayaking, Read more...
Nominate Your Favourite Teachers for OUSA’s Annual Teaching Awards
Posted 10:46am Sunday 30th July 2017 by Joe Higham
Nominations for OUSA’s 2017 Teaching Awards close on 18 August, meaning there is still plenty of time to put forward any lecturers, tutors, or lab demonstrators that you think deserve the much sought after recognition. As students provide the university with their largest revenue stream by Read more...
University Murders Thousands; Critic Runs Inflammatory Headline
Posted 10:31am Sunday 23rd July 2017 by Sam McChesney

Over 70,000 animals have died in research at the university over the past five years. Figures released to Critic under the Official Information Act show that between 2012 and 2016 the University used 89,680 live animals for research purposes. 71,496 of those (80 per cent) were Read more...
How Healthy Is Our Democracy? Otago Academics Make Their Arguments
Posted 10:48am Sunday 23rd July 2017 by Joel MacManus
We are entering an age of radical politics, where extremism on the left and right will become mainstream and authenticity of personality will trump good policies in the hearts of voters, according to a panel of political experts which spoke at the University of Otago public lecture “How Read more...
VC Reveals At Least 182 Job Cuts For General Staff
Posted 10:54am Sunday 23rd July 2017 by Joe Higham
University of Otago Vice-Chancellor Harlene Hayne addressed a packed College of Education Auditorium on Friday 14 July to reveal the changes to be made in their Support Services Review. Hayne first provided background to the review, before revealing that 182 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) staff will Read more...
University Hits Roadblock In Plans to Implement CCTV Across North D
Posted 10:57am Sunday 23rd July 2017 by Joe Higham
The University of Otago’s planned CCTV surveillance installation took a hit last week as the university discovered they will likely need resource consent for many of their proposed camera locations. A university spokesperson told Critic that advice from the DCC is that “consent will Read more...
Jacinda Ardern Speaks to Crowd of 120 on Otago Campus Visit
Posted 11:09am Sunday 16th July 2017 by Joe Higham

According to a Colmar Brunton poll on the country’s preferred leader, Labour Party Leader Andrew Little is languishing back in fourth place, at just 5 percent, the lowest result for a leader of the opposition since 2009. Deputy Leader Jacinda Ardern placed third with 6 percent of those Read more...
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