Editorial: Kmart Gives Me the Ick
Posted 7:36pm Sunday 28th July 2024 by Nina Brown

I hate to be a hater, but the opening of Kmart and its cult following made me a bit disappointed. This comes with the big fat disclaimer that, yes, the tracksuit on the cover of the issue was bought from Kmart, and yes, I am wearing the slippers I bought while I was there. And I’m never going Read more...
Nut Up or Shut Up: Why Halls Should Go Vegetarian
Posted 4:00pm Monday 19th February 2024 by Fox Meyer

The way halls work right now, with opt-in veggies but obligate meats, is completely backwards. I don’t care if you keep eating meat in your day-to-day life. It’s kinda cringe, but ultimately, the emissions from one private jet flight outweigh any of your dietary choices. So I can live Read more...
OPINION: Everyone dresses queer now and it’s fucking with my gaydar
Posted 1:43pm Monday 7th August 2023 by Amelia Blockley

Gaydar is a magical thing. It gives us queer folk the ability to pick up on little hints and clues that can guide our flirtatious approach, and since the 1940s and 1950s fashion has been one of the best ways to sense someone’s queerness. Docs, work wear, chunky rings, and suits were some of Read more...
OPINION: Gaslighting is totally normal, actually. (a response)
Posted 4:21pm Monday 24th July 2023 by Lotto Ramsay

Gaslighting is totally normal, and I can’t believe you didn’t know that. Assuming you’re a loyal Critic reader, I’m sure you know all about gaslighting by now. We can’t seem to publish an issue without mentioning the word, and we even ran a feature earlier this year Read more...
Opinion: Nepotism: It’s okay if it’s tradition!
Posted 5:58pm Monday 29th May 2023 by Nā Skyla from Ngāti Hine

Exam season may be daunting but, remember, if old mate Charlie can succeed the throne at the overripe age of 74 and still not know his allocated lines, then you can walk off that B+ with your head held high. Despite the archaic, dormant vibe that the British monarchy insists on maintaining in the Read more...
Opinion: Busking Needs a Glow-Up
Posted 3:06pm Sunday 21st May 2023 by Hugh Askerud

As a timid fourteen-year-old, I wanted to go busking in town with my ukulele. Ignoring the fact that a ukulele is a terrible busking instrument, I quickly found myself in a swamp of bureaucratic bereavement which only subsided after I gave up on my musical dreams forever. Granted, I was a terrible Read more...
Nut Up or Shut Up: Why Halls Should Go Vegetarian
Posted 2:06pm Sunday 12th March 2023 by Fox Meyer

The way halls work right now, with opt-in veggies but obligate meats, is completely backwards. I don’t care if you keep eating meat in your day-to-day life. It’s kinda cringe, but ultimately, the emissions from one private jet flight outweigh any of your dietary choices. So Read more...
Opinion: Critic Te Ārohi Will Be Covering The Election This Year
Posted 7:53pm Sunday 26th February 2023 by Annabelle Parata Vaughan

For those of you too young to remember, or those who need a memory jog, Critic Te Ārohi made the decision to not cover the 2020 general election on the basis that party politicians had “nothing more to offer students than a shrivelled pea.” The decision received an extensive amount Read more...
Luude’s remix of Down Under changed my opinion of Drum and Bass
Posted 3:54pm Sunday 27th February 2022 by Annabelle Vaughan

Last year I published a scathing opinion piece about how we need to stop playing so much drum and bass music and why the genre is inherently shit. The article copped a lot of hate and elicited an angry response from Dunedin’s breatha population, but it went on to win an award, so suck on that. Read more...

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