Lunchtime Quickie
Posted 6:32pm Thursday 4th October 2018

Buckle in, because this is a gamechanger. I’m about to teach you how to make food that looks like store-bought mini-savouries but way, way cheaper for your broke ass. This recipe can be changed depending on what you have on hand, the only ingredients you absolutely need are eggs and Read more...
Posted 5:17pm Thursday 27th September 2018

French toast is the goods as a breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner/sex accessory, and let’s be honest – if you fry something in butter then drown it in maple syrup, then a) you’re probably American, and b) it’s gonna taste meeeean. Here’s a way to do French toast that is Read more...
How to Make the Strongest Edibles Possible
Posted 1:59pm Friday 14th September 2018

Before actually making edibles, you have to decarboxylate, or ‘activate’ your weed by heating it; this transforms the non-psychoactive THC-A into psychoactive THC. When activating your weed you’ve got to be careful to heat it up enough so it properly activates, but also be careful Read more...
Pesto and Broccoli Pasta
Posted 7:51pm Thursday 30th August 2018

Are you shit at cooking? Are you a piece of shit that hasn’t eaten a vegetable since Re-O? Do you like just making a massive feed that you can munch on cold throughout the week because you hate doing things? Then boy, do I have the feed for you. 1. Start by sautéing onions in Read more...
Creamy Chicken, Bacon & Mushroom Pasta
Posted 4:44pm Thursday 16th August 2018

This dish is an unreal winter warmer which is sure to satisfy the flatties. Pair with white Longridge goon or Kristov vodka. Grab a frying pan or stone pot, chuck it on med-high heat, and leave it to heat up. Slap some oil in there and then add diced, salted chicken. Be careful not to overload Read more...
How To Scramble Eggs
Posted 4:58pm Thursday 9th August 2018

If you wanna turn your one-night stand into a relationship or at least some morning sex, then knowing how to make good, creamy scrambled eggs goes a long way. We’ll just say this: if your eggs are so dry that you need tomato sauce or aioli, you done fucked up. The secret to creamy, succulent Read more...
Aloo Gobi – Cheap, Dirty & Delicious
Posted 7:03pm Thursday 2nd August 2018

Aloo gobi is great because it is simple, delicious, and it sounds like a dirty joke. It’s also incredibly cheap because it’s based on potato, which is basically free, and it just uses all the standard spices from your drawer, no specialty pastes or anything. The key is frying Read more...
How To Be a Less Shit Cook | Onion Dip
Posted 6:24pm Thursday 26th July 2018

Have you been searching for the perfect food to serve friends on any occasion? Look no further because the classic kiwi onion dip is undoubtedly the GOAT. It combines delicious flavours with luscious textures while maintaining a balance of simplicity and flair. One of its best features is that even Read more...
Everyone Fries Chicken Wrong and You Need to Stop
Posted 7:03pm Thursday 19th July 2018

If there’s one mistake that you’ll see over and over again from newbie cooks in Dunedin’s student flats, it’s awful chicken. You know the kind – cubes of grey-ish white, bland, tough meat that nobody enjoys. Chicken is fucking delicious, but if you’re frying it Read more...
How To Be A Less Shit Cook | Gnocchi
Posted 5:26pm Thursday 12th July 2018

Gnocchi has got to be just about the most filling thing on the face of the planet. No matter how much you think you’re gonna need, you’re going to be feeling like UBar on Wednesday before you get halfway through your plate. The thing about gnocchi is that you can pretty much Read more...

The Scarfie Chef