SDHB Injected With $7 Million
Posted 11:58am Sunday 4th October 2015
The government has announced it will be giving the cash-strapped Southern District Health Board $7 million to help pay its outstanding bills. However, Minister of Health Jonathan Coleman confirmed in a statement that no more money would be given to the board until it has confirmed its deficit for Read more...
Anti-TPPA Protest Draws Small Crowd
Posted 11:48am Sunday 4th October 2015

The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) was the subject of another student protest last week, this time taking place on the Union Lawn. The protest was the largest University of Otago activist event in 2015, attracting around 100 people. The protest, organised by leader of the Otago Read more...
13 Killed in Chile Earthquake
Posted 11:44am Sunday 27th September 2015

Thirteen people were killed in Chile after an 8.3 earthquake struck the nation on 16 September. A tsunami followed shortly afterward. The earthquake occurred offshore from Illapel, Chile, just before 8pm. The earthquake’s epicentre was 143 kilometres north-north-west of the city of Read more...
OUSA Executive Forums
Posted 11:06am Sunday 27th September 2015

Presidential Candidates Payal Ramritu Payal went for an unusual tactic during the debate, claiming she doesn’t need to run “any bullshit campaign … I’m already doing the work, making things happen right now.” The MC, and current OUSA acting president Isaac Read more...
Reaching the Breaking Point
Posted 10:42am Sunday 20th September 2015

Dunedin bar The Break has been officially closed after the owners were found to be unsuitable applicants to operate licensed premises. The Dunedin District Licensing Committee made the ruling, and the bar closed its doors on Friday 11 September. Colin Weatherall, a committee member, said the Read more...
Attempts At Saving the Student Voice
Posted 10:49am Sunday 13th September 2015

Vice Chancellor Harlene Hayne has announced she intends to create new ways for students to contribute to university governance. Hayne announced the proposal, which came after the number of student seats was halved earlier this year, in a University Council meeting on 8 Read more...
European Refugee Crisis Escalates
Posted 11:25am Sunday 6th September 2015
The refugee crisis in the European Union has escalated, with more than 700 people attempting to enter Austria alone since 30 August. Refugees have also been trying to get into Spain via Morocco. One man was hidden underneath a car hood, with his body wrapped around the motor. He was treated Read more...
Jeans Too Tight for the Genes
Posted 11:11am Sunday 6th September 2015

A new study is hoping to identify a genetic link between obesity and diabetes in New Zealanders. The million-dollar study will be the largest so far in the attempt to discover the genes that can predispose Kiwis towards type-2 diabetes and obesity. The study was announced at Maurice Read more...
Otago Academic Wins Prime Minister’s Award
Posted 11:04am Sunday 6th September 2015

Otago’s Associate Professor Suzanne Pitama has won the Prime Minister’s Supreme Award for tertiary teaching excellence. Pitama, who is the director of the Māori/Indigenous Health Institute, was formally presented the award at the National Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards on 11 Read more...
Execrable | Issue 21
Posted 10:49am Sunday 30th August 2015

With OUSA elections just around the corner, the executive had two major issues to discuss. First was the appointment of an independent arbitrator. The executive unanimously agreed that Professor Paul Roth, from the Faculty of Law, would take on this role. The role is in case the Returning Officer Read more...

Bridie Boyd
Deputy News Editor 2015