“Incident” with Richardson Building Lift

“Incident” with Richardson Building Lift

Loud crash heard throughout North Dunedin (er, the building)

An “incident” with one of the Richardson Building lifts that made a loud crash was not the lift falling, according to the Property Services spokesperson.

“Whilst Property Services is awaiting its full report from the Lift Contractor (Otis), we can advise the lift car did not fall as indicated by Critic and the loud noise was not caused by the lift car directly,” said the spokesperson.

However, there was a “fault” with the lift, said the spokesperson.

“We have had no formal report on the exact cause of the fault at this stage, Otis are continuing to work through the fault and provide advice to the University.”

Students reported hearing a loud crash and a UoO: Meaningful Confessions submitter named ‘Lucky to be alive’ said there was a “huge shake”. “Unless you’re looking for special consideration for those mid-terms, maybe take the stairs,” they said.

The lift is currently out of service but the contractors “are confident the remaining three lifts are safe for anyone to use,” said the spokesperson.

“The Richardson lifts have a rigorous regular maintenance program that is independently verified by an IQP (Independent Qualified Person) as part of the Building Warrant of Fitness Program with further regular assessment by a Lift Engineer. All maintenance and inspections are up to date and in order.”

The IQP and Lift Engineer will review the “incident” as soon as more information is available, said the spokesperson.

This article first appeared in Issue 20, 2019.
Posted 11:00pm Saturday 17th August 2019 by Esme Hall.