The Jolly Exec Report

The Jolly Exec Report

Fran attempts to pour money down drain

There are many ways to spend $50k. $3 dinners should not be one of them. Unfortunately, our great leader Francisco believes that they should be. Luckily, this mindless spending has been curbed by the restraint of a sensible few. I live in a flat that is close enough to the Clubs and Socs building to take advantage of this offer. However, I do not expect the rest of the student body to subsidise my lazy refusal to cook.

While intense negotiations have reduced Fran’s budget to $10,000, it is still a lot of money that could be better spent on other spending options, such as grants and extra tutorials. My suggestion is for the OUSA exec to step up to the plate and provide free piss for everyone at the Hyde Street keg party.

There may be a reason Fran has such passion for $3 dinners. As I left, I heard him proudly proclaim that he hasn’t cooked for the last three years. Apparently Fran lives in a flat where fast food is included in the rent, allowing him to reign supreme without the inconveniences of the day-to-day activities and responsibilities the rest of us have to put up with.

OUSA Exec, you impress me only with your commitment to turning up to these meetings for two hours every week. While it is presumably the free pizza that motivates Fran’s attendance, to the rest of you – I salute you.
This article first appeared in Issue 7, 2013.
Posted 5:49pm Sunday 14th April 2013 by Nick Jolly.