No, Adventure Time Wasn’t Shut Down for Playing NWA

No, Adventure Time Wasn’t Shut Down for Playing NWA

Try Black Sabbath or Springstein next time

A party at Adventure Time was shut down at midnight on O-Week’s Thursday, right as NWA’s “fuck the police” came on.

This was a coincidence. At around five to midnight NWA came over the speakers, and a roaring crowd sang “fuck the police!” However, when the clock struck midnight, cops rolled in and cut the set short. Some breathas, who might might’ve happily been posing for pictures with cops earlier in the night, were up in arms yelling “fucking pigs” and “it smells like bacon”.

In the midst of the chaos, Critic Te Ārohi spoke with Campus Cop John Woodhouse to understand what had happened. John was adamant that they shut the party down due to it hitting midnight on a weekday and that, contrary to popular belief, it had nothing to do with NWA coming on. 

Although he did admit that “if I had it my way it’d be Bruce Springstein - or maybe a bit of Black Sabbath.” 

Posted 12:51pm Monday 27th February 2023 by Zak Rudin.