EDITORIAL: Landlord Doxes Tenants and Critic Staff

Content Warning: Offensive language, racism, sexism, homophobia, death threats(?)

A Facebook account - which commenters believe is a fake name that landlord Karen Brown is using to hide her identity - is using social media to dox their tenants and Critic staff. At worst this is hurtful but hilarious harassment. At best, it’s the proof that tenants need to prove they are being harassed. The comments she left on the Critic Facebook post linking to the story “Landlord “Nit-Picking” to Keep Bonds from Tenants” were left for the public to feast on for a full 24 hours before the unsuspecting Critic Editor and News Editor, who this account had already blocked, were notified. Here are some of the most intense comments from Dunedin’s worst landlord.

The account name has been blurred as to not let her doxing be more easily accessible.


This article first appeared in Issue 15, 2020.
Posted 2:39pm Sunday 16th August 2020 by Sinead Gill.