CDs “Still Valuable and Relevant” Says Hipster Too Poor for Vinyl

CDs “Still Valuable and Relevant” Says Hipster Too Poor for Vinyl

Local unbearable fuckhead Greg Brookes won’t shut the fuck up about how his CD collection is “just as good as vinyl, if not better”. He also claims that streaming is “totally garbage, man. Music isn’t the same if it’s not physical”.

Brookes spends his hours at Disk Den waiting for girls to browse the Alternative section, so that he can stare at them and give uninvited lectures about the value of CDs in modern society. “One day, I’ll propose to an alty girl with good taste by putting a CD on her finger”, said Brookes, as the Critical Tribune was awkwardly trying to leave the store.

This article first appeared in Issue 14, 2019.
Posted 11:17pm Thursday 4th July 2019 by The Critical Tribune.