Local Adrenaline Junkie Lets Fingers Get Dangerously Close to Carrot Grater

Local Adrenaline Junkie Lets Fingers Get Dangerously Close to Carrot Grater

Her blood banged in her ears louder than a lecturer testing their microphone, sweat flooded her pores, her mind was alive with the electric-quick rush of danger. Another grate, pushing her right to the edge, that delicious line between life and death. 

This is what she lives for. This is the only thing that makes her feel alive. She knows that one day she’ll push it too far, that she’ll reach a point of no return and end up hurting herself and the people she loves. But she can’t stop now. 

This article first appeared in Issue 3, 2019.
Posted 5:33pm Thursday 7th March 2019 by The Critical Tribune.