Introducing Your Political Rep

Introducing Your Political Rep

Kia ora, everyone! I’m Liam and I’m your OUSA Political Rep for 2024. For those of you who were here last year, I was the guy with the shit campaign posters in the bathrooms (don’t forget to follow @ousaexec and @liam_ousa _pols on Instagram for updates). I get asked a lot what I do; basically, I represent the voices and opinions of Otago students to Parliament, the Dunedin City Council, Otago Regional Council and pretty much anyone who will listen. I also try to support political action and advocacy by offering advice to causes I think Otago students will support.

My main goal so far this year has been trying to push for meaningful student political advocacy. A lot of my efforts have been focused at the Otago Regional Council on public transport and environmental action. I also wrote a hefty submission on the Fast Track Bill, which if you haven’t read (because why would you) was a bill that allowed a group of three ministers pretty much unlimited authority to do whatever they wanted in the name of development – ignoring the advice of experts, local communities, and existing legislation along the way.

My focus from here will be on the cost of living, particularly rent issues, because for some reason Chris Bishop seems to have it out for us. Between Stella (Residential Rep), Keegan (Prez) and I, we'll be putting concerted effort into trying to resist changes from the Government that threaten the affordable and accessible Otago flatting experience.

If you’ve got strong political opinions, want to do cool shit on campus or want me to sign your copy of this article email me at or slide into my Instagram DMs. 

This article first appeared in Issue 10, 2024.
Posted 7:47pm Sunday 5th May 2024 by Liam White.