Moaningful Confessions | Tap and Gap ASAP

Moaningful Confessions | Tap and Gap ASAP

It was the Saturday of Re-O and, after a week of pouring rain and a lack of alcohol consumed, I knew tonight was the night I needed to send it. So, obviously the only way to do this was to down as many vodka shots as physically possible. I’m not going to lie, I truly did this to the best of my ability. After some shots and drinks were consumed, we all stumbled out the door to the crowded street of Castle. DnB was pounding and the yarns were spinning.


After a while, a tall brunette made his way over. At this stage, faces and my speech were both blurred, but I was determined to go home with someone. We chatted for a bit and then he asked if I wanted to see his flat. Of course I did, so I ran away from my friends and followed him. After getting to his room, and giving my personal opinion on each and every piece of clothing, one thing led to another… During this, his flatmates all came home, but he told me "not to worry about them" and "be as loud as I like".


Right before he was about to put it in he moaned (in actual pain, might I add) and told me something was wrong with his dick. At this point, I was beginning to sober up and simply wanted to tap and gap ASAP. He whipped out his phone torch and inspected his limp dick to reveal a smear of blood on it. Immediately I was sure to say it had nothing to do with me! He then proceeded to mumble that he had whiskey dick and needed to go make noodles, but quickly reassured me he would be back for more.


Before I knew what was happening, he was gone and I was suddenly very aware of my surroundings, especially the fact that I was busting to pee. I rushed to put my clothes back on and then sent a desperate voice message to all my friends. No one replied. I decide to make a quick exit through the bedroom door. Locked. What the fuck. My second option is the window. But it was bolted, so I couldn't jump out. Fuck my life. The urge to pee was getting pretty serious so I started to glance around for maybe even a cup.


Not my ideal Saturday night. I started ringing everyone on my contacts and, finally, two of my friends were close and said they would save me. I waved them down out the half-open window and soon enough the bedroom door opened and the Castle guy was standing there. I looked to the floor, and walked out of there as fast as I could. I then peed on his lawn to mark my territory and ended my night.


Moral of the story: Don't expect a good root from a boy on Castle. 

This article first appeared in Issue 1, 2023.
Posted 5:38pm Sunday 26th February 2023 by Critic.