Serial Central Shitter Confusion
Posted 1:03pm Monday 16th August 2021 by Sean Gourley

A serial shitter has struck Central Library multiple times. In at least two separate incidents, a large poo of considerable size and girth has been left on the toilet seat of the men’s disabled bathrooms on both the first and second floors of Central Library. It is possible that many more such Read more...
Someone Shat in the Zoo
Posted 9:57pm Sunday 18th April 2021 by Fox Meyer

Title says it all. Great job, fuckhead. Otago’s new Most Wanted is the man who shat in The Zoo at the rugby on 10 April. Described as “slender, blonde, curly-haired and unashamed”, this man is assumed to be highly dangerous and not to be confronted by the public. Public Read more...
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