Editorial | Issue 6

Posted 10:11am Sunday 10th April 2016 by Hugh Baird

Here in New Zealand, our younger generations are privileged beyond belief. We’ve never had to experience any wars or terror, found ourselves without a home or lived under any tyrannical rulers. Thankfully we live in a free and democratic nation. In just under a couple of weeks Dunedin will Read more...

New Zealand’s Contribution To Refugee Crisis Pathetic

Posted 10:46am Sunday 20th March 2016 by Joe Higham

Tuesday last week marked the fifth anniversary of the on going Syrian Civil War that has seen approximately seven million civilians displaced within Syria, just over four million emigrate from their homeland in search of relative safety abroad, involvement of the U.S.A, Britain, and Russia to Read more...

11 Refugee Children Killed as Boat Capsizes

Posted 12:18pm Sunday 20th September 2015 by Emily Duncan

A boat carrying refugees between Turkey and Greece has capsized, killing 34 people. Of these, 11 were children and four were babies. The boat, which was said to be overcrowded with Syrian refugees, capsized off the coast of the Greek island, Famakonski. The cause is believed to be high Read more...

Germany Imposes Border Controls for Refugees

Posted 12:16pm Sunday 20th September 2015 by Sana Basharati

Germany has imposed a temporary control on its border with Austria in an attempt to deal with the unprecedented influx of refugees into the country. More than 13,000 refugees arrived in Munich on Saturday 12 September. A day later, Thomas de Maizière, Germany’s interior minister, Read more...

Cull says Dunedin May Welcome Refugees

Posted 10:52am Sunday 13th September 2015 by Joe Higham

Dunedin could become home to Syrian refugees arriving in New Zealand, but Dunedin Mayor Dave Cull says an adequate resettlement programme needs to first be established. Currently, New Zealand’s most southerly resettlement programme for refugees is in Nelson. Cull says before refugees Read more...

Thousands Flee Syria for Europe

Posted 11:08am Sunday 13th September 2015 by Oliver Gaskell

More than 450,000 Syrians are expected to cross the Mediterranean Sea to seek refuge in Europe over the next year, UN officials announced last week. This is on top of the approximately 366,000 who have already attempted the journey this year. The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) has called for stronger Read more...

European Refugee Crisis Escalates

Posted 11:25am Sunday 6th September 2015 by Bridie Boyd

The refugee crisis in the European Union has escalated, with more than 700 people attempting to enter Austria alone since 30 August. Refugees have also been trying to get into Spain via Morocco. One man was hidden underneath a car hood, with his body wrapped around the motor. He was treated Read more...

Labour Calls for Refugee Quota Increase

Posted 11:36am Sunday 6th September 2015 by Henry Napier

The Labour Party has called on the government to increase New Zealand’s refugee quota. A recent press release urges that the 750 quota be increased by 250–500 people per year. The recent surge in refugees leaving Syria has placed pressure on countries around the region. The European Read more...

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