Anti-Chinese State Propaganda Given Out on Campus
Posted 3:37pm Sunday 13th August 2023 by Zak Rudin

Nico was coming out of a lecture on Wednesday, August 2, when he was intercepted by an unknown woman who handed him an envelope without so much as a word. The woman was wearing a white puffer jacket and baseball cap that obscured her face. On the face of the envelope was a barely-legible Read more...
Transphobic Leaflets Left by Losers SLAMMED by Literally Everyone Who Isn’t a Twisted Far Right LOONY
Posted 4:33pm Sunday 30th May 2021 by Erin Gourley

Over the past few weeks, transphobic pamphlets have been appearing on noticeboards around campus. One student has reported the pamphlets to Critic Te Arohi twice. Both times, the pamphlets were put up on the Hunter Centre noticeboard. On May 12 they said “we noticed some rather gross Read more...
Students Targeted With Anti-Vax Propaganda
Posted 2:29pm Sunday 9th May 2021 by Fox Meyer

On Thursday 6 May, studentville was bombarded with flyers full of bullshit about the Covid vaccine. The flyers could be found on Castle Street, George Street, and Queen Street. They were created by the anti-vax group “Voices for Freedom”, founded by three “passionate Kiwi Read more...
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